OK, I see it now. It is in cncli.sh script: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cardano-community/guild-operators/alpha/scripts/cnode-helper-scripts/cncli.sh
Function: cncliLeaderlog() (146 lines long). Within this function is the following:
if [[ $(jq -r .status <<< "${cncli_leaderlog}") != ok ]]; then
error_msg=$(jq -r .errorMessage <<< "${cncli_leaderlog}")
if [[ "${error_msg}" = "Query returned no rows" ]]; then
echo "No leader slots found for epoch ${curr_epoch} :("
echo "ERROR: failure in leaderlog while running:"
echo "${CNCLI} leaderlog --consensus ${consensus} --db ${CNCLI_DB} --byron-genesis ${BYRON_GENESIS_JSON} --shelley-genesis ${GENESIS_JSON} --ledger-set current ${stake_param_current} --pool-id ${POOL_ID} --pool-vrf-skey ${POOL_VRF_SKEY} --tz UTC"
echo "Error message: ${error_msg}"
exit 1
epoch_nonce=$(jq -r '.epochNonce' <<< "${cncli_leaderlog}")
pool_id=$(jq -r '.poolId' <<< "${cncli_leaderlog}")
sigma=$(jq -r '.sigma' <<< "${cncli_leaderlog}")
d=$(jq -r '.d' <<< "${cncli_leaderlog}")
epoch_slots_ideal=$(jq -r '.epochSlotsIdeal //0' <<< "${cncli_leaderlog}")
max_performance=$(jq -r '.maxPerformance //0' <<< "${cncli_leaderlog}")
active_stake=$(jq -r '.activeStake //0' <<< "${cncli_leaderlog}")
total_active_stake=$(jq -r '.totalActiveStake //0' <<< "${cncli_leaderlog}")
sqlite3 ${BLOCKLOG_DB} <<-EOF
UPDATE OR IGNORE epochdata SET epoch_nonce = '${epoch_nonce}', sigma = '${sigma}', d = ${d}, epoch_slots_ideal = ${epoch_slots_ideal}, max_performance = ${max_performance}, active_stake = '${active_stake}', total_active_stake = '${total_active_stake}'
WHERE epoch = ${curr_epoch} AND pool_id = '${pool_id}';
INSERT OR IGNORE INTO epochdata (epoch, epoch_nonce, pool_id, sigma, d, epoch_slots_ideal, max_performance, active_stake, total_active_stake)
VALUES (${curr_epoch}, '${epoch_nonce}', '${pool_id}', '${sigma}', ${d}, ${epoch_slots_ideal}, ${max_performance}, '${active_stake}', '${total_active_stake}');
Which is updating a sqlite database “$BLOCKLOG_DB”, originally created by the same script (function createBlocklogDB).
So this script implements functionality to store the stake pool leaderlogs into a sqlite database instead of just saving the data as a flat file. Then this script, or others, can make use of this “blocklog” database when looking at logs, or maybe cncli database, about the chain adopted blocks if the pool operator identifies a problem.
Do pool operators set a cron job to automatically call that script every 5 days or is it intended to be run manually?
Also is there a script that automatically checks the chain blocks in the cncli database and emails the operator if a block is missed?
Is there another script that automates checking the logs if a missed block is noticed?