Hi, my wallet isn’t syncing, I’ve had my computer on for over 24 hours and the sync percentage is dropping instead of getting closer to 100%. Please advise on what i have to do to fix this issue.
From Daedalus FAQ section.
I am stuck at the loading screen, it says "Syncing blocks" at X.X%. What should I do?
Please note that blocks are synced in steps, each of which might take up to a minute. If Daedalus is stuck at X.XX% value for several minutes, please check your internet connection and try to restart Daedalus. If the internet connection is stable and syncing is still freezing after the restart, please follow the instruction below to reset the blocks in your PC.
Type %appdata% on the explorer’s address bar
Open Daedalus folder
Delete the content of DB-1.0
On the Finder’s menu bar select Go
Click Go to Finder…
Type ~/Library/Application Support/Daedalus
Delete the content of the DB-1.0 folder