What's up with the CardanoPress Wapuu NFTs?

I just had a question from a user wondering why his newly minted Wapuu NFT (https://cardanopress.io/wapuu-nft/) doesn’t show an image in their wallet.

While digging into that, I found that they use a quite unusual setup where user tokens and reference tokens are minted separately and, worse, the reference tokens haven’t been minted for five months: https://adastat.net/policies/6ed115674659a344b50ba87f7085fddb1ebcedd14cf61ee71a5974ee

All nine (only nine?) NFTs minted since then – from CardanoPress Wapuus348 minted on 2024-11-15 through CardanoPress Wapuus6556 minted today – do not have any metadata at all.

Curiously there isn’t any info about this in https://cardanopress.io/community/ or https://cardanopress.io/blog/, not even the buyers of those NFTs asking what’s up.

@astroboysoup, can you shed some light on this?


Good question and from checking on Pool.pm, I can see that the latest NFTs are missing data.

That most certainly is confirmed. Something is up.

I’ll check with Nick from SaturnNFT to see what the problem might be.

Thanks for letting me know.


aaaah… did Avatar Nick leave the Cardano community?


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Seems so.

Moreover, the X and Discord links on https://saturnnft.io/ are also dead.

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Well dang. that kinda kills off my project then.

I’ll have to work out what to do next from here.

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It appears that I can mint manually in the admin area and that mints with metadata but the sales page minting mints with the meta missing.

I minted one to replace the one that you mentioned above and I’ll airdrop more to that other user that minted back in Nov last year and is also missing meta.

I think after this I have to shut it down as there doesn’t seem to be away to contact Nick for support.

Mint close date is a little later this year anyway.

Anyone that has an NFT is lucky to have one.



There you go, please check your wallet


Already saw it on Adastat. It was not me, but @BUDDYM who minted that NFT.


You guys rock! I just checked my Lace wallet and there is a new, beautiful Wapuu NFT, looking back at me. I really appreciate it guys, thank you!


aaaah Thanks for minting and the support @BUDDYM

Pro subscription access will be available once we complete the integration of licenses with the plugins to the API on the website. We hope to get it all done before WordCamp Asia on the 20th of Feb.

@astroboysoup the 20th is right around the corner, best of luck!

@HeptaSean I owe you one.
