When adding more ADA to my wallet. Does that add to my existing staking amount?

I’m already staking ADA from my wallet in Daedalus.

Today I put more ADA in that wallet. So I was wondering, I’m I staking automatically for the new total amount of ADA? If not, what do I need to do?


Yes, it does.

happy staking.



Got it. Thanks for your help @Johann_ADAholycs :+1:t3:

Damn son, turns out i just paid 0.17 ADA fornothing by removing and restaking ^^

well, at least it wasnt an expensive lesson ^^

This is a good question (and subsequent answer) which deserves to be put onto an FAQ somewhere so people have easy access to the answer.

Also worth mentioning that the rewards that you make from staking will be automatically staked with the same pool ! So, you pick a stake pool and what ever you have in that wallet will be staked with that pool… you don’t have to worry about re-staking. It’s like giving a vote of confidence to someone and the weight of a vote changes according to how much you have in your wallet

All the best

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Thanks guys! Much appreciated!

So If I do have to remove my ADA from staking, I have to make a new wallet and transfer from old to new? And then redelegate to some other pool?

Is that right?

yoroi here.

no, no need, nomrally the yoroi and daedalus uinterfaces let you selecta new pool to delegate to. just select a new pool to delagte to and all is swapped automatically.

if you wish to split the amount of ADA and delegate to 2 pools, make 2 wallets accordingly.

good luck

Thanks. :smiley:
Will probably just change the pool after a few epochs.
So it’s easy to switch.

If I add ledger nano will I have to make a new wallet or it will be incorporated to current staked wallet?


Wallets can be synced to the ledger, that basically means you no longer access through the wallet interact but through your ledger.

Not exactly sure though, I have no ledger yet

So assuming we are in the middle of an epoch, does the newly staked ADA receive the pro-rated rewards (ie, adjusted to the number of days)? Or do rewards for that portion come in the next epoch?