WHere do I submit a support ticket? I am having connecting to network issue

Hello, saw a video where Hoskinson says he wants us to submit tickets if we have the connecting to network issue, I have the issue. Where do I submit the ticket? I can post logs. thanks.

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Hello @Brisc, you can send your ticket on Daedalus support page.


I think he wants you to send logs from the wallet. You can do that from the preferences section of the wallet under support. If you cannot get the wallet open at all a future update will put that preference switch on the connecting page. I do not know where find the logs on the hard drive to manually send them or if that is possible. Maybe someone else can help with that.

Here I found the info in the FAQ section on daedaluswallet.io

Please provide the following information:

  1. Describe the issue you are experiencing in detail and attach screenshots if needed. If possible, specify when the error occured exactly.

  2. Attach your Daedalus logs:

Go to C:\Users"username"\AppData\Roaming\Daedalus\Logs
Archive ‘pub’ folder
Open the Finder
Go to the Menu Bar and open the “Go” menu
Select “Go to Folder…”
Enter the following path (for the standard installation): ~/Library/Application Support/Daedalus/Logs
Archive ‘pub’ folder


I have submitted the ticket. Thank you for the help, i gave you a heart :slight_smile: