I haven’t yet decided and there are so many to choose from, would be interested to hear unbiased opinions, so if you are the Stake Pool Operator or are involved with running the one you are advocating kindly mention that too.
I haven’t yet decided and there are so many to choose from, would be interested to hear unbiased opinions, so if you are the Stake Pool Operator or are involved with running the one you are advocating kindly mention that too.
If I was not delegating all of my ADA I would stake it with me, rADArStakePool because I know how hard I have worked the past 10 months plus learning all the way. And I also need to supplement my Social Security
Tired brain, I meant staking to, not delegating to, title fixed.
I knew what you meant. My brain is tired to so I misread it and got the correct idea I am still trying to get my node synched up. I thought I would get a look at the competition and make my final decision as to cost and margin. Looks like the vast majority have gone with the minimum cost (340) and very low margins. I suppose I will be right in the middle. There are many in the same spot, synching up so look for many more pools tomorrow, 30 july.
Have a fantastic day!
Yeah, I noticed you replied to the fixed title before it was fixed nice one!
Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts.
Have a great day too
@Miner Well apparently according to everything I’m reading in Daedalus it’s ok to say delegating to or delegating your stake to so turns out the title was ok all along.
For some reason I got it in my head that stake pool operators delegate and those of us who wish to join that stake pool stake - but we are all delegating, they are just delegating a pledge I suppose and we are delegating a stake.
ANP - ADA North Pool - has a great intro with videos under Stake Pool Operator Introductions that may be of interest to you. @Eystein_Hansen is the stake pool operator and includes many details.
All the best to you!
In future it might be good idea to add categories such as charity pools / tech development pools / national pools etc.
I agree categories would be good but we don’t need to look to Daedalus for everything, third party tools can also play an important part.
True. Hadn’t thought of that.
When the ITN was up i used Adapools.org and Pooltool.io to get info to try and delegate to an active pool, i’m still learning as to how to pick the ‘best’ pool.
Initially I swapped around every few days because occasionally i managed to select a pool that didn’t produce (for various reasons, it was a testnet !), my average worked out around 10%.
Any differences over the fees for most of the pools is fairly negligible i.e. 1% 4 or 5% plus the min 340ADA/epoch.
My conclusion after 6 months and many pool swaps on the ITN: Find a pool that is productive (without the need for you having to check it every day) so uptime is the key criteria for me.
Note: This is providing the pool you choose is not over-subscribed, as your returns will be reduced for saturation (I think this is still a thing on mainnet)
Have Fun