Which wallet app?

Trust Wallet, MetaMask or ?

What is the context of your question?

Which one to use for Cardano?

I would not use a multi-chain wallet app like Trust Wallet or even one built exclusively for another chain and only working on Cardano due to some strange plugin like MetaMask. Those seem to have to be there to onboard people, lure them over, but a wallet app native to the chain is always better, will always provide more of its features.

Current order of preference for me: Eternl, Typhon, Lace, Vespr

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What’s happening to Yoroi? Fading out?

No, I just don’t recommend it. Quite reduced functionality compared to the others and no clear advantages.

I noticed too. Started from Catalyst Voting since Fund 13 when some wallets (eligible) though, couldn’t register to participate.

Progression path has been Daedalus, Yoroi, to Lace. Was thinking about moving back to Daedalus and decided to take a look at options.

Thanks for posting your preferences; will take some time and view Eternl, Typhon and Vespr.

Appreciate all comments.

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Explain this reduced functionality please. That is completely false.

You can safely ignore that ridiculous comment. I think Sean works for Vespr or something. Maybe Eternl. Who knows.

  • Yoroi still doesn’t implement multiple accounts under the same wallet as specified in https://cips.cardano.org/cip/CIP-1852 in 2019.
  • Yoroi doesn’t allow to restore Shelley wallets with 12 word seed phrases as they are used by, e.g., Trust and Atomic.
  • Yoroi doesn’t allow to switch to single-address mode and still, 4.5 years after the Shelley protocol upgrade, tells the falsehood that this is a privacy feature which it cannot be as long as the same stake part is included in all addresses. (Actually, this blatant falsehood was the topic of one of my first posts in this forum at the end of 2021: https://forum.cardano.org/t/why-do-yoroi-and-daedalus-use-lots-of-addresses-for-privacy/86096 Yet that misinformation survived all upgrades of the user interface.)

    (By the way: The link to the blog post is dead.)
  • Yoroi has no option to withdraw rewards on the fly in other transactions, but only offers the much more expensive way of doing it in separate, dedicated transactions. It also doesn’t warn in the user interface that withdrawing rewards is rarely necessary, but only somehow mentions it – “This means you don’t have to withdraw your reward and redelegate your ADA every epoch.” – in its Zendesk article: https://emurgohelpdesk.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/4413979709839-How-can-I-withdraw-my-staking-rewards
  • Yoroi does not support choosing the derivation type for Trezor hardware wallets that was implemented over three years ago – https://github.com/trezor/trezor-firmware/issues/1783 – which means that you can’t access the wallet that Trezor Suite uses as default.
  • Yoroi doesn’t allow to build transactions that send to several recipients in the same transaction.
  • The disclaimer on the Catalyst voting page is wrong. Voting power was never determined by staking, but Catalyst always did its own voting power snapshots. Prior to Fund10 (Summer 2023), the stake key had to be registered (which in most wallet apps also means delegated, although those could technically be independent operations) in order to receive the voting rewards. Since then, they are distributed to base addresses and not even that is necessary.

Seriously?!? The simplistic “They don’t like our marvelous product. They must be paid!!!” take?

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I hope Yoroi learns from this thread and upgrades their platform. I love Yoroi and was really hurt when I could not participate in the Catalyst Fund 13 voting process simply because the platform couldn’t remember my previous registration for whichever reason and wouldn’t allow me to register either. I made reports but got no support. Fund 14 will be smooth, right? @William.Emurgo

There were 2 things I always liked about Yoroi: enough to use for some accounts until last year when universal DeFi support on Eternl trumped all of them:

  1. it’s in a smaller grouping of Cardano wallets, and a minority of crypto wallets in general, that provide a full-page layout from a browser extension… rather than breaking the application’s legs (and most functionality) to fit into a pop-down mobile-sized panel;
  2. it’s still the only one I believe I can use to deregister a stake key in a final transaction to easily clear out all ada & other tokens from a wallet.

@HeptaSean or anyone else: if it’s possible to do #2 on Eternl I would appreciate a pointer where to start. I’ve always felt silly importing wallets into Yoroi just to put them to death there. But in any case @William.Emurgo I would still keep Yoroi as an alternate because of its clear web layout & responsive design.

Not sure if I understand what you want to do.

Eternl can unstake and deregister in the wallet/account settings. Rewards do not have to be withdrawn prior to that. It does that automatically in the same transaction if needed.

It’s not possible to send everything to another wallet also in the same transaction, though. Cardano itself would allow that if you build the transaction by hand, but I don’t know any wallet app that would have an interface for that.

thanks @HeptaSean - I’ll get some menu / text quotes & maybe a screenshot of what I’d been doing and post again if it will clarify the question above.

Since some good comparative information is being posted here I’d also recommend this thread be retitled to Which wallet? (currently Which one? which won’t help people find the subject)

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If you still want/need an answer to that question, please do so. I’m not aware of anything regarding stake deregistration that cannot be done in at least Yoroi, Eternl, and Typhon. (Daedalus still doesn’t have deregistration as far as I’m aware and for most of the smaller ones, I haven’t looked.)

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