Who wants to start a collection for Cardano Community to donate to Breast Cancer Research? Month of October

What do you all think of doing this as a community effort? October is Breast Cancer Awareness month, worldwide as far as I can tell. We will need to sort through some ideas. What do you all think?

We can see how much we can raise as a community and donate to a great cause. Please provide your ideas and comments.

  1. Ways to collect the Ada?
  2. Does some one want to take charge of this and be the leader?
  3. Should the Ada be converted to cash?
  4. Ways to maintain accountability?
  5. Fundraising goals.
  6. ?



Edit: Moved image up :point_up:

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Support and upvote! :muscle::muscle::muscle::muscle:, guess we need to find an organization that accepts ADA first!


We can convert the Ada to cash or check at the end of October and donate it that way too, yes?


agree with Mihori:kissing_heart:

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why can’t I send Emoji…


Like this :kissing_heart:

You need to put a space between Mihori and the :

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get it,THX :kissing_heart:

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Yes, we can do it too, but it would be more fun if we can let an organization become Ada friendly, haha!! :rofl::rofl::rofl:

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Ideally yes but in reality goals can conflict, I say convert to fiat this time but look for ADA acceptance longer term.

Great idea @rickymac!

How about putting a charity funding page with dedicated address on the wiki? Change the charity every month / whatever?


No, please no! Don’t exchange Ada for cash
We are in crypto revolution let’s make them adopt and accept ADA
They just have to download a wallet! Not even Daedalus
It’s an opportunity to explain them how to adopt ADA

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Absolutely, that good thinking

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Sorry but I don’t think that’s true, they also have to have accounting procedures to deal with crypto.


I agree with Rob (@RobJF). Rome was not built in a day…

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Sorry, we are in “cryptoland” for a reason!
You know this is the way to go, blockchain, cardano, ADA
So why not try to donate using blockchain at least we would be 100% sure they get the money and if they use ADA what they actually did with it

This is what we all wants no ? Trustless fair system ?

Every opportunity to make more people adopt crypto and this is an opportunity for them to get other crypto for their purpose, don’t you think ?

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But we’re not in cryptoland yet, that’s still just a dream, and wishing won’t make it so! (And they’re not going to use ADA themselves…)


But if always we say we are not there yet, we would never be

In Europe there is a whole city using exclusively bitcoin and we are not there yet ?

And it’s stoped to be a dream in 08 with Satoshi, now we just need people to wake up

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It’s great you feel that way, but it’s not your fellow forum members you need to convince, it’s the charities (etc).

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I know brother!
But, me I will put it this way for them
You want money in crypto ? ADA, yes we want
well we are happy to help
No, we don’t want Crypto, ok, good luck
and I will forget about it …

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That approach is certainly possible, but unless we were offering really big bucks I doubt whether any charity would go to the trouble of adapting their accounting procedures – which would probably cost them more. In a year or two it might be a different story.

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