Wiki guy retires

@RobJF: enjoy your well-deserved retirement.


so you’re not sure yet belittle/undermine suggestions?

I don’t think Rob was trying to undermine your suggestion but merely giving his opinion. One way, we can all work to continue the wiki is by making contributions. Anyone is welcome to create an account and jump right in with the help, so Rob’s work won’t be lost.

Looks like @phil.lewis is interested, so that’s a start. Hopefully this builds some traction and more community members will be interested. Is @CosmosX still involved too, @RobJF?

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@phil.lewis i’d be interested in working with you. my strength is in design, so if you’re up for it perhaps we can have a conversation.

i think your server capacity could help in the interim of the transition.

this confirms the need for the very thing i suggested - in person interaction. we’ve (the community) been rife with such misunderstandings because of the limitations of the medium.

the suggested in person interactions comparatively doesn’t suffer from this at the same magnitude and frequency.

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@RobJF can we possibly know details of hosting and domain name currently as i feel this would help contextualise and inform this transition.

is hosting monthly, annually etc if so what are the dates and estimate size/price… same for the domain, when does it expire as last thing we want is to be in a place where you’re having to pay out of pocket for any of the above for longer than can be facilitated by previous donations (since you’re no longer accepting donations) as that’d most likely breed resentment. we want to mitigate such obvious possibilities.

No, Pierre unfortunately had to drop out quite a while back due to pressure of work.

On other hand, there’s at least two other people who are interested in addition to those taking part in this discussion.

The name server info on this page is out of date ATM, it has now reverted to OVH defaults. Cost is <£100/yr, paid yearly. I said I’d stop accepting donations when costs are covered or hosting is transferred.

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Sorry, there’s no way I’m doing a 900 mile round trip for this.

are they on the forum?

thanks for these deets + the whois link

thanks for the clarification, i somehow read that differently coming to that assumption.

i think the key word here is " i’m "

your personal feelings don’t negate the idea just because you can’t be bothered or think it’s worthwhile…

conflating personal opinion into a generalisation don’t help with miscommunication (especially in a medium which compounds the issue) nor is it in service of or in advancement of the community

@RobJF well I just got here but sorry to hear that it’s time for you to go. Thank you for what you’ve done with the wiki. Enjoy your retirement!

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You’re an ace Rob.
Certainly a loss for the community, but maybe it’s time for them cocktails on the beach… good luck!


Just touching base on this a day later to see if there are any other takers.

@RobJF you mentioned some others that want to help out and @misteraxyz asked whether they are on the forum. It might be worth asking them to add to this topic so we can contact them to see how we can all work together to fill your shoes.

I will put together a placeholder website with MediaWiki installed in anticipation of starting a transition once we have a final team list.

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Sorry Phil, please don’t do that. I’ve posted about the transition here Wiki transition - #2 by RobJF

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Thanks @RobJF, I’ll reply on that topic

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A great loss to the community Ii am grateful for your contribution.

Heart felt thanks


Thanks for all you do @RobJF. Even in retirement, I’m looking forward to reading your posts and comments. Congrats on your retirement!


Ooops, just seen this topic. Sorry to hear that, and thank you for your contribution to this community and I wish all the best to you in your retired life.


Thanks very much to all those I haven’t thanked individually already. I would never have expected this thread to get so long! :grinning:


@RobJF Sorry to learn that we will see you in this forum much less frequently.

Having said that, if I were you I would have done the same. You have the opportunity to unplug for some time and find some inner peace; I wish you success in it.

Thank you for introducing me to Kiva. What we are contributing there at the moment is not very significant but I am sure that over time it will be wonderful.

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