Windows users of Cardano

Some Windows users will see a User Account Control message today about the forthcoming Cardano software update from IOHK, the Cardano 1.3 and Daedalus 0.11 release. If applies to you, please see instructions below about what to do. Don’t worry, there is no risk to users.

You will have seen something like this:


If you choose No, that will stop the update.

Next Steps:

Immediate manual installation: Manually download the new version of Daedalus 0.11.0 and Cardano 1.3.0

If you want to install the new version right away you can manually download and install the new version of Daedalus by going to


Delayed (24 Hours) automatic installation: Wait 24 hours, and start Daedalus to get a new installation that does not have this problem.

Once we have fixed the problem when you update you will see a screen like this:

If you choose Yes, that will install the valid update.

The update will go out tomorrow automatically and users will receive a notification through Daedalus.

Here’s a summary of what this software update contains:
Daedalus 0.11 has a couple of user interface tweaks to improve the user experience, and includes some fixes in preparation for the upcoming release of Daedalus for Linux. Cardano SL 1.3 includes significant improvements to the speed of syncing the blockchain. Tests have shown wallet syncing occurring between 1.5 and 4 times faster, depending on network environment. The network relays can also support more users syncing at once which will reduce congestion at busy times. The release includes improvements to the on-disk storage of the blockchain to use fewer files and use less disk space. The release includes a fix for a problem where a node would sometimes fail to reconnect to the network after an interruption in the internet connection.

For exchanges and other third party integrations, the new wallet V1 API is now available and supported, and the old V0 API is now deprecated. A performance problem for exchanges seeing high disk I/O has been resolved.

Daedalus 0.11 uses significantly less memory, which is a benefit for users with older or less powerful computers, while other tweaks improve the user experience. Improvements to Cardano SL 1.3 mean that network performance will be enhanced. Exchanges will also see better performance.


Thanks for posting @jonmoss ! :slight_smile:

This is really weird,

After starting Daedalus, that is not what I am getting.

After a few minutes to sync the last blocks… I am getting my wallet balance and then:

“Daedalus and Cardano node update #9 is available.
Would you ike to install the update? If you chose to pospone, the update will be installed automatically on the next Daedalus launch.”
Update and restartPostpone until restart

Where is this documented?

EDIT: OK I chose Update and restart and all went fine. Daedalus 11, Cardano 1.3 and wallet all up and fine.

Thanks Cardano.


Thanks for editing the post @claude :slight_smile:

Glad it is working ok now.