Bittrex to Daedalus:
Expected time to complete a transfer?
If authorized on Bittrix with Google Authenticator, is a second authorization by email also required?
How do I check the status/progress?
Bittrex to Daedalus:
Expected time to complete a transfer?
If authorized on Bittrix with Google Authenticator, is a second authorization by email also required?
How do I check the status/progress?
Normally my withdrawals from Bittrex to Daedalus happen in less than 5 minutes. However, today has been a nightmare. I’ve tried twice to withdraw and have been waiting for at least 3 hours. May be a Bittrex thing.
Thanks, much.
I’ve been waiting longer than that, and must leave town (and my PC) for work tomorrow.
If I install Daedalus on my laptop, will I be able to see if the transaction ever shows up?
Hmmmmm, Volumes are pretty high right now. Did it find it’s way yet?
Bittrex shows it as Pending and Authorized.
The wallet shows nothing. Nadda
same here…i been waiting since after lunch…i think bittrex got caught with their pants down with the sudden rise of ADA today…not the first time they’ve had “withdrawal issues” with a sudden rise of a coin…it’s still my fav exchange to deal with…but i think they all do some pretty funky leveraging at times, if you ask me…
having the same issues with Bittrex, been waiting 3 hrs now. This kind of stuff worries me, as I don’t like my ADA hanging in the balance like this. I do know that the transaction hasn’t even been transmitted to the network yet from Bittrex, as it doesn’t appear on the blockchain yet. So oh well gotta wait. As I had to wait 12hrs for a BTC transfer that cost me over $15 in fees
I’m still waiting here as well.
I withdrew from Binance earlier no problem, but now I have one transfer that has showed up in the Explorer but not in Daedalus.
I’m sure it’ll show up eventually.
Thanks for the information. I have tried to transfer from Bittrex to my wallet. I’m only waiting 30 mins so far and just did a small amount as a test.
Most of my withdrawals from Bittrex to Daedalus were taking aprox. 2 mins to complete. Unfortunately yesterday it took 10+ hours… Finally managed to get my coins today after waiting that long. Something must be up since it wasn’t taking this long before…
Traffic of ADAs must be high atm and thus slowing the transfers… I could be wrong though xD
My transaction has posted!
Thanks to everyone for the info.
Hi everyone, it’s Laurie from IOHK. Currently, users are experiencing withdrawal delays from Bittrex for Ada. There is a high rate of activity at the moment, including deposits and withdrawals on the exchange. With the current queue for withdrawals, new withdrawals are taking several hours to process. The Cardano developers are actively working with Bittrex to speed up the withdrawal process and clear the queue. Thanks for your patience!
Thanks Laurie!