Yoroi Testnet wallet Unable to restore Daedalus wallet


I have been having a problem using my Yoroi shelley-testnet wallet. I sent some Ada from my daedalus account using my 12-word recovery phrase a few days ago, and I managed to do it, It worked and I started to stack them, and now that I bought some more ada, I have them in the same daedalus wallet, and I want to send them all over again to my yoroi testnet wallet for staking, using the same way, I even create my daedalus paper wallet, and I couldn’t do it, it is constantly giving me the error saying:

“Unable to restore Daedalus wallet.”
“The wallet restored from your recovery phrase is empty. Please check your recovery phrase and attempt restoration again”

Please what can I do?



only the ada which were in your daedalus or yoroi wallet at the time when the snapshot (27th nov) was made can be used in the testnet.

Oh that makes sense now, thank you for replying.

So are there going to be a way for new bought Ada to be able to stack them?

not on the testnet.

soon we will be abel to stake on mainnet :slight_smile:

Great, thanks :slight_smile: