2020 Cardano Forum Stats - The Year in Review

Top #Education Topics

Most Read

User Topic Hours Read
Why shelley rewards reduced twice as in itn? 11
Track your favorite staking pool with Adapools Telegram bot 10
A Dummies Guide 2. ITN to Shelley Mainnet 9
Where does the FIAT go when we buy Crypto? 6
About Cardano Pledging 6

Most Liked

User Topic Likes
A Dummies Guide 2. ITN to Shelley Mainnet 22
Cardano mindmap update 11
Basic Stake Pool Security 10

Most Replies

User Topic Replies
Raise your question - Megathread 39
Why shelley rewards reduced twice as in itn? 23
Where does the FIAT go when we buy Crypto? 16
Incentivized Testnet Glossary: Daedalus Rewards 12
No rewards after 23rd of augus 12

Most Popular

User Topic Score
A Dummies Guide 2. ITN to Shelley Mainnet 21
In ADA riche get richer? 19
Why shelley rewards reduced twice as in itn? 18
Where does the FIAT go when we buy Crypto? 17
Cardano Project Catalyst Complete Guide - Voter ADA rewards, idea submission, and voting process! 17

Most Bookmarked

User Topic Bookmarks
Does anybody understand Ouroboros? 8
Summary: Ouroboros Genesis 7
Storing The Cardano Blockchain on Another Hard Drive/Flash Drive 7
Cardano mindmap 7
Understanding the basics of staking - how and why, and even when 5