4 Daedalus Staking Questions

I’m planning to stake through Daedalus using the Trezor Model T and was wondering if someone could help me understand the following:

  1. Wanted to confirm that when I pair the Trezor to Daedalus and it shows that wallet in the Daedalus UI, it’s still just my Trezor wallet (I can delete the wallet from Daedalus if necessary and I won’t lose any funds, despite Daedalus warning me that I will). Funds can’t be sent through Daedalus without the Trezor attached and then entering the pin and passphrase for the wallet holding the balance.

  2. The rewards tab in Daedalus. Do the staking rewards go into my Trezor wallet address that is performing the staking? Or are they in a separate address? I know rewards are automatically staked, and I don’t plan on withdrawing them soon, but if I did want to withdraw them, how do I do that?

  3. Stop delegating. I did a trial delegation of 10 Ada. I see a way to redelegate to a new pool but not a way to stop delegating entirely. I realize there is no need to stop delegating aside from moving to an exchange but I’m just trying to fully understand the process. How would I get back the 2 Ada deposit if there’s no option to stop delegating?

  4. What happens if I open up Trezor.io and send the 10 Ada I’m staking (really 7.83 after deposit and transfer fees) to another wallet? I assume that if I paired back up to Daedalus it would show 0 Ada and therefore no staking. Just a thought, would this get my 2 Ada deposit back?

Thanks for the help!

  • Wanted to confirm that when I pair the Trezor to Daedalus and it shows that wallet in the Daedalus UI, it’s still just my Trezor wallet (I can delete the wallet from Daedalus if necessary and I won’t lose any funds, despite Daedalus warning me that I will). Funds can’t be sent through Daedalus without the Trezor attached and then entering the pin and passphrase for the wallet holding the balance.

U can connect the trezor on adalite.io or yoroi (chrome extension) and if u see the right balance then ADA are on trezor and u will can delete the wallet from daedalus

  • The rewards tab in Daedalus. Do the staking rewards go into my Trezor wallet address that is performing the staking? Or are they in a separate address? I know rewards are automatically staked, and I don’t plan on withdrawing them soon, but if I did want to withdraw them, how do I do that?

As far as I know for the moment the rewards can’t be withdrawn from Daedalus, but u have this option available on Yoroi (chrome extension). The rewards will go to the trezor address and u can track them on cardanoscan.io if u insert one of the trezor address

  • Stop delegating. I did a trial delegation of 10 Ada. I see a way to redelegate to a new pool but not a way to stop delegating entirely. I realize there is no need to stop delegating aside from moving to an exchange but I’m just trying to fully understand the process. How would I get back the 2 Ada deposit if there’s no option to stop delegating?

Use Yoroi (chrome extension) press withdraw and also choose deregister the key stake. This way the stake address will be deregistered and u will receive 2 ADA back… Remember that the rewards are delayed with 2 epochs, so if u will deregister th stake address u will not recieve the rewards for the last 2 epochs.

  • What happens if I open up Trezor.io and send the 10 Ada I’m staking (really 7.83 after deposit and transfer fees) to another wallet? I assume that if I paired back up to Daedalus it would show 0 Ada and therefore no staking. Just a thought, would this get my 2 Ada deposit back?

Nope, the address will stay registered even u will have 0 balance… u must deregister the stake key in order to recieve the 2ADA back