A idea for Cardando strategy to success. with edu filosofy potencial path

i have a idea strategy for cardando success :D…!!, in the cardando dappstore, a IA dapp that can transform any app(google play, huawey gallery app) in to hybrid app dapp interoperable between them for user. with the benefit of if the game that they play the same game in dapp the purge buy is lower price and make cardano version of kyber free for all best Korean, china games a like ghenshin no impact. also a feature that mesh network between phones no servers and hable to project to de tv. a smart contracts convence Korean buy peria chronicle game and make all free design mine-craft, a smart contract user design khan easily transform in (gif) meme new character history to deviant art, decentralize all manga anime content creator also architect patents a Digi world that country patent does know work a fear smart contract that charge only if is making real prophet discounted all the human base salary needs. free-cad open scad and 3d printer connected easily to the peria chronicle world of design. eat pixar a new Asia Hollywood. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4pvLZihrmUg should be very cheap to buy peria chronicle many millions putted there of works is on half path. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l_gYDN9OM8k is the branding strategy of asía Hollywood adaptation. anime 3d pixar will be bigger than Netflix. IA(dot.csvhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RbIwIY3dEks(no me dejan poner mas de 2 links necesitarían copy paste)) and defy way more rent able for all. :)…!!