A turn for the worst

Revenue and dividends do not define all fundamentals. You’re obviously not a trader. You’re looking stuff up and posting things which do not define a holistic view of crypto. You should check out crypto Kirby for a few videos and get a base for crypto trading knowledge.

I presented no thesis. I presented no financial advice. I provided no consultation for any person to trade against. I provided entertainment articles and that’s it.

im talking about markets not star wars… and how can you confuse probability with luck, amazing


And yet here I am lucky again today. Too funny.

What’s you basis for probability?

everyone has targets but whats important is the probability of targets being met and how that probability changes in the face of price action

one should consider the probabilities of your target being met, falling short, moves in the opposite direction, etc

it’s fine to be confident in your analysis, you should be, but once you are certain of a target then you are overconfident, this is a mistake


When I spar, confidence in their ability is what I look for. Then open it wide for a roundkick to the ear.

And your point is?

Your opinion is as valid as his. Dont act as a judge to others when your confidence is your undoing.

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the troll is here!.