ADA sent to wrong/old receiving adress? What now?

Hello guys,

I hope you can help me with this one…

I had an amount of ADA in my Exodus wallet and I decided to transfer it to the exchange site (Kraken) where it came from so I could sell an “x” amount of that. I didn’t know that I should create a “New Adress” on my Kraken account to receive those assets, so I thought it would be alright to copy/paste the last receiving adress and use it as a “Sent to” or “Withdrawal” adress, because it’s exact the same where it came from in the first place…
The thing is, I didn’t ever received any of that ADA because -I think- I didn’t create that new adress where it should have been sent to.

So, this adress where I sent this ADA to, somehow exists but ‘no one’ owns it?, because it is just the old adress where I received the ADA from in the first place.

It’s really confusing for me because it makes sense to send the assets to the exact same adress they came from…

What should I do now? Is that ADA lost or can I recover it somehow? That adress was created in the first place, automatically by the exchange site, so shouldn’t they be able to access it/track it?

It’s really stressing me out because it was a big amount of money there…

Sounds like you just need to contact the exchange for assistance. They own the keys.

In a wallet you own, you can send ₳ to used or new addresses, it still ends up in the same wallet .

Contact the exchange you sent your ₳ to for help


my recomandation is to move/keep your ada safe on daedalus or yoroi (official wallets); do not sell yet because ada will be huge… and start staking for passive incomes (rewards) (~5%)


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