Ambassador Journal - Thomas Lindseth - June 2023

Hey everyone,

June has been an exhilarating month filled with exciting events for Cardano, both good and bad, but most importantly, it brought me in contact with some fantastic individuals. Let me share my experiences with you all.

My June schedule actually started in May, with a sudden change in plans gave room for a livestream dedicated to delve deep into the ongoing meme craze that had recently taken the Cardano community by storm. It was an enjoyable and informative session, and for those interested, you can still watch the livestream in Norwegian here.

As the meme craze continued, we kept on keeping the Norwegian community up to date. Consequently, we organized another livestream to share the latest developments. If you missed it, you can catch the replay here. This is also in Norwegian (Sorry non-Norwegian speakers)

However, the highlight of June was undoubtedly the CIP-1694 workshops. On June 19th, together with Eystein Hansen from ADA North Pool, I had the pleasure of hosting a workshop in Horten, Norway. It was a six-hour-long session where we engaged in in-depth discussions about CIP-1694 and exchanged our thoughts on the proposal.

Following the workshop, we enjoyed a delightful dinner at the Midgard Vikingcenter, situated in a beautiful replica of a 9th-century guildhall. I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to all the attendees who made this event possible. A video from the workshop can be seen here!

The following saturday, we organized a virtual workshop to build upon the outputs of the previous sessions and work towards further improvements. I want to extend my appreciation to those who participated in this virtual workshop as well. Your contributions were invaluable.
The entire workshop can be seen (almost) unedited here.
A detailed recap from the workshops will be posted on the forum shortly.

I feel incredibly fortunate to have received an invitation to join the final CIP-1694 workshop in Edinburgh, Scotland in July. I’m eagerly looking forward to this event and promise to document the experience thoroughly so that I can share it with you all.

That wraps up my activities for June. As we enter the summer season, I encourage everyone to take a moment to relax and enjoy the warm weather. Remember, it’s essential to take breaks and recharge ourselves.

Until next time, stay hydrated!

Thomas Lindseth