Ambassador Stories, Journal #26: Cassandre Domeneghetti & Issa Ichikawa

Welcome to the 26th journal of the “Ambassador Stories” series! :star_struck:

We truly value our Ambassadors and thus we are so delighted to share with everyone the stories and backgrounds of what motivates them, how they got involved with blockchain, and how they envision themselves playing an important role as part of the Cardano ecosystem and shaping the future of Cardano.

The Cardano Community Team would also like to thank the Ambassadors for all their continued efforts and participation in sharing their stories with us. :writing_hand:

Please read all about @Cassandre and @ISSA_Ichikawa down below! :open_book:

The Cardano Team is happy to welcome Cassandre and Issa, and we look forward to working and helping you guys! We would also like to take this moment to show our gratitude for your hard work and efforts put into this.

Part 1: Cassandre, Translator:

Cassandre has joined our Ambassador program as a Translator.

1) Tell us a little about yourself. What is your background?

I started my career as a gemologist working for auction houses like Sotheby’s and Christie’s between London, Geneva and Dublin.

2) How did you get interested and involved with Blockchain/Crypto?

My blockchain/crypto experience started in early 2020. While I was living in Dublin, all of my friends were working in tech and I was particularly struck by one of my friends’ advice, telling me to “move from the assets of the past (i.e. diamonds) to the assets of the future”. I started digging into several blockchain projects while being taught by my friends about the still early ecosystem.

3) Why Cardano?

The fall of Ripple, linked to the Securities & Exchanges Commission (SEC) intervention, made me realize the importance of governance in crypto projects. I was seduced by Cardano’s will to educate people (notably by their numerous partnerships with prestigious universities and published papers) as well as its transparent governance.

4) How are you contributing to the Cardano Ecosystem as an Ambassador?

I started my contribution as a French translator. Thanks to the network I built in Paris by gathering a Cardano community, I now help projects to be built on Cardano through Cardashift launchpad (biggest Cardano project in France)

5) What is your future vision for the Cardano Ecosystem?

I see Cardano as a transparent ecosystem that will bring more freedom to the individuals by letting them manage their own data and bring financial inclusion to those who need it.

6 ) What is your personal message to the Cardano community?

Cardano’s community is its greatest strength and what sets it up apart from the other projects. Keep up with the good work!

Don’t forget to like, share, and follow Cassandre on LinkedIn:

—The End of Part 1.

Part 2: Issa, Meetup Organiser

Issa has joined the Ambassador ranks as a Meetup Organiser.

Issa Ambassador

1) Tell us a little about yourself. What is your background?

・Name: Issa Ichikawa

・Age: 21

・Birthplace: Tokyo, Japan

・Profession: University student (Junior, Waseda University)

・Major: Human science

・Other: My father is former Ambassador

A year ago, my father taught me Cardano and I joined the Japanese community. I’m good at presenting, so I’ve held a lot of meetups in the community to explain blockchain and Cardano. I have also participated in Catalyst many times as a student, raising funds a total of three times. Currently, I am working to increase new Catalyst proposers, especially students who are entrepreneurial.

2) How did you get interested and involved with Blockchain/Crypto?

I learned about blockchain and Crypto in university class and expected its future.

3) Why Cardano?

Because my dad (Masao Ichikawa) was an ADA holder and a Cardano ambassador at the time.

4) How are you contributing to the Cardano Ecosystem as an Ambassador?

I will host a meetup to spread the goodness of blockchain and Cardano to students in Japan, and eventually increase the number of proposers to Catalyst.

5) What is your future vision for the Cardano Ecosystem?

A community hub for students is born all over the world, and we propose innovative projects to governance while cooperating globally.

6 ) What is your personal message to the Cardano community?

I’m probably the first student to become an ambassador, so I’ll take advantage of this position to bring young people to the Cardano ecosystem and inspire new innovations.

To know more about Issa and the amazing work he’s done, please follow him on Twitter: ISSA@学生アンバサダー (@Cardano_ISSA) / Twitter

—The End of Part 2.

We are truly blessed with such motivated community members we have in our ecosystem! Thank you all for reading, and don’t forget to leave your comments/likes and give our Ambassadors some Cardano community :heart: and follow their work!:100::muscle:

Until next time, with new people and new Ambassador Stories! :wave: