Are Byron Wallets valid and restorable forever?


I have 2 old Byron-Wallets (Daedalus & Yoroi), Daedalus and Yoroi are uninstalled (recovery phrase saved, of course). Will it be possible to restore & convert/import/transfer the wallets at anytimy in the future or is there a ‘deadline’ to do that? I don’t want to stake (because of tax), so there is no reason to hurry up for me.
Is there an official statement from Cardano/IOHK that old wallets will be restorable forever?

Thank you and regards

For the moment there is no announcement regarding the byron wallets… I believe they will not stop/delete byron era from the blockchain

PS: u can migrate to shelley era without delegating (u will not be forced to delegate)


Thank you for your reply.

Yes, I think also, they will not delete Byron from the Blockchain.
The only problem I see is, if the wallets (Yoroi) will stop to have the option for restoring and claim/transfer from old wallets. I did not make any tests with Adalite & Typhon to restore old byron wallets.

I know, that I can use Shelly-Wallets without staking.
The reason, why I dont like to migrate is, because I decrypted and saved the recovery-phrases on different locations and I dont like to do it all again…


ok, then stay on byron … should be ok

hmmm why stay on byron :thinking: if it dont expand with new functions…nft,dapps,staking and more stuff in the pipeline for years ahead.guys you think many people didnt switch to shelly??tell me how many % of the wallets didnt?? :thinking:
:heart: cardano :heart:

Is there any other place to restore byron wallets besides daedulus?

Is there any other way to restore byron wallets with 27 word phrase besides daedulus? can do it.

(Check on or that it is a legitimate wallet app I’m sending you too. Never just trust anyone giving you a link.)

I got daedulus to work. It took 2 weeks to download.

Regarding the original question of whether Byron wallets are valid and restorable:

The only thing that can make them “invalid” is when you can’t consume a UTXO which has a Byron address due to the software not supporting it. I think this is unlikely to ever happen because “blockchain is forever”.

On restoring: you’ll always be able to restore a wallet because it’s an algorithm, so even when there isn’t a wallet that supports it out of the box, then the definition can be looked up and implemented.