as the forum suggests it, i want to introduce my self shortly.
My name is Martin, and i’am running a StakePool here in beautiful Austria. I’am into cardano since the ATH in 2016/2017, so i saw all the Up and Down of ADA. But i truely believe in this community, thats the reason i also started to run a StakePool.
A few facts about that, it is running on Debian10, I9-9900K, 64GB Ram, Hyper-V Server, 24/7. Monitored, secured, Backup available if the Main system shows any issues.
Located in Austria, you know that country from places like Hallstatt, Vienna or Salzburg. Or have you heard from a guy called Mozart?
Ticker: ATADA
Name: Austria StakePool 1
Pool-ID: 79fc991bd21435de467e794a74780b25ddcb972c9fffdb024dc8060b8f431527
I wanna thank the whole cardano community for there work so far, i hope i can contribute in any way in the future. My oppinion is, that cardano with all the academic approach behind it is going to rule the crypto world like no other platform before. Especially with all the thoughts about the good things that can be done with cardano in developing countries.
Would be nice if some of you delegate some ADA to this small Pool to give it a change in the system. The Pools should be distributed all around the world evenly in a true decentralized way.
Thank you very much and best regards from Austria,
Scheduled in Epoch 104 and made in Epoch 104 on #Jormungandr 0.8.15. Thanks again to the kind delegators! Now let us get the next one. Best regards from Austria, ciao Martin #Cardano#Stakepool#Austria
it’s currently testnet phase, mainnet will be a whole other story. nobody knows yet. pool fees will be set to 2% at that point i guess. returns in the testnet were around 10-12% in avg. mainnet will be lower. but again, nobody knows that right now. we’ll see. but it would be nice to have you onboard on our stakepool when shelley mainnet goes online
My name is Martin, and i’am running a StakePool here in beautiful Austria. I’am into cardano since the ATH in 2016/2017, so i saw all the Up and Down of ADA. But i truely believe in this community, thats the reason i also started to run a StakePool.
Located in Austria, you know that country from places like Hallstatt, Vienna or Salzburg. Or have you heard from a guy called Mozart?
Ticker: ATADA
Pledge: 2,5Mio ADA (registered), Real-Pledge: ~3,3Mio ADA
Fixed-Fee: 340 ADA
Variable-Fee: 2%
Contact: @ATADA , , TG-Channel
Pool ID: 00000036d515e12e18cd3c88c74f09a67984c2c279a5296aa96efe89
Location: Austria
Dedicated Server(s): Dual Xeon Plattform, 1Gbit Backbone, Upgrade possible to 10GBit, Backup-Servers
Pool redundancy: Backup Servers for Core and Relay Nodes, Private Relays to prevent DDOS.
Operator experience: Pioneer Family Member, Stakepool operator Supporter, Scripts supplier (, Electronics and Mechatronics background, Programmer since 8yrs old.
We live the dezentralication spirit of cardano, because of that it is important than we also do this physically. So we run our Server(s) in Austria. We are in this for the longrun, you can see this in our Pledge Commitment of min. 2,5M Ada! We love Cardano, we truly stand behind the project. Come and stake with us for a better dezentralized world, power to the people.
Can you give some feedback on this first reward and what we can expect going forward?
Have to admit I’m pretty disappointed by the reward. Was conservatively expecting 4-5% APR and this is nowhere close. Hope I’m missing something. Thanks.
Please take a look at my site…
It is still a work in progress but it is intended to be a directory for pools donating a percentage of pool fees to charitable organizations
Liebe Delegator, dear Delegators
bitte von ATADA auf ATAD2 um-delegieren, please re-delegate from ATADA to ATAD2! Cardano ändert die Blockchain-Parameter, cardano is changing the blockchain parameters!