Balance 0.00 and Transactions not seen. Please help..I use a ledger


I need help getting my funds back Please! I never sent ada to another location and only tried upgrading wallets from Byron to Shelley so I can stake.

I am holding Ada and use the Ledger Wallet. I upgraded to Ledger 1.2.4-4 and upgraded Ada 2.0.4 then proceeded onto Yoroi next. I couldn’t connect during the process. I then deleted yoroi extension and reinstalled and notice my Byron Wallet was missing?
The Data was gone and no Transactions to show. Since I have a ledger I figured I should be able to just restore the wallet. I clicked Connect to hardware wallet and it asked to choose ERA – Byron-era (read-only) wallet and proceeded.
I restored it using ledger and now zero funds and no transactions are on my Byron Wallet. I also, added Shelley-era wallet and no funds for neither are there? As a last resort i went to see if Adalite would see my funds hoping Yoroi was integrated to that same wallet. I am worried now… Please help……

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Don’t know what’s going on, I’m just like you! lose all ADA and have transaction history deleted!

That suggests whatever Byron wallet you had before you reinstalled, is different to what you have now - and you’ve confirmed that this is not limited to Yoroi. So I would think this points to one of the two:

  1. Byron wallet you referred to before reinstall was not connected to ledger (in case of which you would need to restore using your Byron mnemonics)
  2. Your wallet were both connected to ledger, but mnemonics on your ledger device was reset (eg: created new wallet sometime since the original Byron wallet connection)

I sent Ada to the the wallet using the ledger multiple times and ledger gives you the receive address. If that’s the case it should be the ledger and not another wallet. That isn’t good if the mnemonics can just change on a ledger? Plus, I didn’t get mnemonics that popped up since i used the ledger to create a wallet.

Not sure where you got that from, that is not my message says