Did I lost all my ADA? Please help

Hello Community,

Back in July 2019, I decided to move all my ADA from Binance to Ledger Nano S and managed it using the Yori, as ADA was my biggest holding. It was all good and I was able to receive more ADA to my wallet.
I haven’t had any new transactions after this period in time. Recently I tried to open my Yori wallet using the chrome extension and it asked to add a new wallet. Please note that this was my first time opening the wallet after Shelly released it. After I choose the option “Connect to hardware wallet” and follow through the steps, my wallet balance is indicated as 0.
I can’t choose the option “Restore wallet” as I don’t have the recovery phrase (I believe it’s not the recovery phrase of my Ledger) .
I’m not a very technical expert or Blockchain expert, and I thought my ADA is safe in my Ledger device. Did I lose all my ADA? Is there a way to get back my funds?

Thank you very much in advance for the support!

Hey @rajith

Im pretty sure you can chill out.

Recently we had our transition from legacy Byron era to Shelly era. At this point the users had to upgrade their wallets from Byron wallets to Shelley wallets. Im pretty sure that you are still using a Byron wallet and thats why you dont see your funds right now.

The only thing you have to do is migrate from Byron to Shelley. --> https://www.reddit.com/r/cardano/comments/imj4g2/ledger_yoroi_wallet_from_byron_to_shelly/

If you need any help feel free to ask here. :slight_smile:


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@Zyroxa, Thanks a lot mate. I can see my balance now in the Byron era wallet. I can finally sleep in peace.

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You should transfer the funds in your Byron wallet to a Shelley wallet and then start staking your funds :slight_smile:.


Definitely going to do that. :slightly_smiling_face:

hi, need help for restored Daedalus wallet.

It was just last year I was able to restored my Daedalus wallet using the 12 passphrase, and see all my transaction and balance, just last week I download the new version of Daedalus wallet and restored, there was no transaction and balance. i am very sure i had the correct 12 passphrase because i have it restored before. please help and thank you.

The wallet is 100% sync with the network? Are u using wallet for byron or for shelley?
Keep calm, everything should be fine!

Hi, the network is 100% sync and it took about 45 minutes. I’m using Bryon wallet.
I am no longer have the Daedalus application on my computer. I deleted everything try to restored the wallet. Thanks for helping


You may want to try to restore your wallet on adalite so you can migrate your funds to a Shelley wallet.


Hi, the AdaLite used 15 word recovery phrase, and Byron Daedalus wallet uses on 12 passphrase. I have AdaLite Cardano wallet with ledger Nano S, I try but it doesn’t work, are there any other way thanks again

Thank you for everyone help. I have been trying and trying for week to get into the wallet. Today I finally able to get into my wallet. I finally found the right passphrase for the Daedalus wallet. Thanks again for all the help.


If you are using a ledger device you dont have to restore your wallet on adalite. Just update the firmware of your ledger device, install the latest Cardano app and connect your ledger device with adalite.


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Hoping someone here can help. I posted this in another chain but no one replied. I seem to have a similar issue with my ledger. Here is my Problem:

I haven’t checked on my crypto in a while and with the recent spike wanted to move some coin around. On 5/29/19 I moved coin from Binance to what I’m sure was my ledger. I don’t remember what wallet I used, but I know it was one I had synced with my Nano S. I assume it was Yoroi as I had the extension installed in Chrome. I synced my Yoroi and Nano X (I purchased the X but previously had S and I reinstalled with my seed phrase). Given the date, I think it would have been Byron wallet. I synced Nano with Yoroi and AdaLite but it shows zero transaction history and zero coins. I searched the cardanoscan sight to make sure I made a transfer, and it shows the transfer in May 2019, but unfortunately I can’t tell where it went obviously.

I’ve tried syncing in Yoroi, AdaLite, and Dadalus wallet. All wallets show zero balance and no transaction history.

Can anyone help. Any suggestions on how to locate the coins would be appreciated.

Please contact the IOHK support for such a case : IOHK Support


Hi - I haven’t checked on my crypto in a while & upon updating all software on my ledger nano S and Yoroi to check I see my Yoroi ADA balance as 0. The transactions page under my Bryon wallet shows I sent all my ADA somewhere on 04/04/2020. Not sure if this is related but from Yoroi when I click on “Receive” & verify address I don’t see “verify on hardware wallet” like in the Emurgo tutorial video. However I do see derivation numbers. Please advise and thank you in advance.


It seems to be an issue yoroi-ledger… can u check on Adalite?


Thanks Alex. As you stated it seems to be a Yoroi-Ledger issue. AdaLite shows exactly the balance I should have on my ledger.

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Hello I had ADA on Byron since 2018 to 2020, and I moved my ADA from Byron to Shelley in October 2020. I have not logged into my Daedalus account since 2020. This month August 2024, I logged in with my recovery password for Shelley, but I see zero transactions in my account. I am sure that I transferred all my ADA and validated the receipt in Shelley at the time. Unfortunately, I logged in now and it is showing me zero transactions and zero ADA. When I used explorer to check the Shelley Wallet address I sent the ADA to, it is displaying that the address does not exist. Can someone help me? Not sure what i did wrong or what I may have missed between 2020 and 2024 that has prevented me from seeing my ADA in Shelley.
image. One other strange thing is that for the Byron wallet, Byron is displayed on it on a red background. For the Shelley, I cant see Shelley displayed beside it. Can someone validate that the Shelley Wallet does or does not have Shelley displayed beside it for recognition?

Please ignore any incoming DM’s.

Do you still have your seedphrases for your Byron and for your Shelley wallet?

Yes I do. I have the phrases for both. One has 24 phrases and the other has 12 phrases. I tried both by trying to recover and all i get is the wallets already exist.