Aloha y’all from Hawaii,
I was hopeful to get some feedback on an idea regarding blockchain (cardano) that I believe can revolutionize labor unions. My understanding of blockchain and smart contracts pales in comparison to some of the people in this community hence, my plea for help. I strongly admire the cardano ecosystem for its values and what it stands for. Thanks in advance for your patience as I set the scene, I will try to be to the point.
Declining living standards and stagnate wages have plagued not only the U.S. but the world as a whole in lockstep with the decline of workers participation in unions and lack of transparency. The argument could be made via causation or correlation regardless, privatizing profits and socializing losses is the industry standard. Greed, this giant vampire squid violently jamming its blood funnel into anything that smells like money has wrapped its tentacles around AFL-CIO specifically the teamsters of which I am one. Smart contracts via cardano blockchain could remedy this.
There are rumors afoot about a nation wide strike for all ups employees! An unsanctioned walk out to illuminate the corruption, collusion, and critical failure of our so called elected officials. As of October 6th UPS package division (250,000 employees) voted NO on a new five year contract, dealing a blow to both UPS management and union officials. Union officials have stated that while there was an overwhelming negative response to the contract and it was rejected they consider the contract to be ratified. It’s been said that 90% of communication is non-verbal. When corrupt buisness leaders strip the people of there ability to communicate with there words, then there is only the language of the physical. when given no options you have no choice!
Cardano blockchain/smart contracts CAN:
Increase transperancy through smart contracts
A. taking the place of the master agreement, supplements, and ryders
B. No more secret negotiations
C. Eliminating non-disclosed concessions
Identify and eliminate wasted workers contributions
Save hundreds of thousands of dollars by eliminating non-essential salaried positons
Increase voter turnout buy paying members to vote
Enforce violations by automatically submitting the resignations of Union and Management officials for corrupt practice such as but not limited to: taking bribes, covering up accidents/ injuries, collusion, insider trading, threatening behavior etc
By partnering with Labor, Cardano could become a household name that would undoubtedly rocket its standing into the top 3 in coin market cap. Proving true Sir Charles words that Cardano could be the first trillion dollar crypto currency. I believe in people, I believe in working people, and I believe in Cardano.Time is of the essence and I will be taking my arguments to my local union 996 tomorrow. I also try to be active influencing my other ups brethren throughout the nation via the internet. The only effective answer to organized greed is organized labor. Thank you for your time and please feel free to give me your honest critisicm, ideas, or what I can do to move this forward.
Warm mahalos
Welcome to the forum George!
I must think more on how you would apply blockchain to your ambitions before I throw any idea’s out there for you, but I will give you one good suggestion: for such a organization to adopt record keeping on top of blockchain technology it would require support from within the organization, build a team of members from within your organization that would be interested in supporting the development and discuss who would have to be involved in making the change and the route you would need to take to get it installed, once you build a team to work on the changes you will be moving past “having an idea” to a point where changes will be possible.
Welcome. I’m another newbie. I’m also a former UBC Millwright. As you do, I believe in working people. It would be a big win for the workers. However, we both know that there is a disconnect between transparency and the systemic power structures of the brother/sisterhood. It won’t be an easy sell, but maybe you’re the one to make it happen!
Thank you and Thanks for taking the time to read and respond. I recently gave what I thought was a passionate, heartfelt, speech to the brothers and sisters at my local. Surprised was I, when It was met with resistance and contempt by a significant number of my fellow workers. I can understand the feelings if the management team and union officials for: (It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his pay check is dependent upon him not understanding it. - Sinclair)
Perhaps more importantly is to reach as many people as possible, blazing a trail, to a brighter future where the CARDANO block chain and smart contracts can create a better future the working man/woman.
Aloha Haskell,
Thank you and Thanks for taking the time to read and respond. I recently gave what I thought was a passionate, heartfelt, speech to the brothers and sisters at my local. Surprised was I, when It was met with resistance and contempt by a significant number of my fellow workers. I can understand the feelings if the management team and union officials for: (It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his pay check is dependent upon him not understanding it. - Sinclair)
Perhaps more importantly is to reach as many people as possible, blazing a trail, to a brighter future where the CARDANO block chain and smart contracts can create a better future the working man/woman. Maybe I can bring awareness to a large group of people that would not otherwise understand how close we truly are to a better world.
Thank you and Thanks for taking the time to read and respond. I recently gave what I thought was a passionate, heartfelt, speech to the brothers and sisters at my local. Surprised was I, when It was met with resistance and contempt by a significant number of my fellow workers. I can understand the feelings of the management team and union officials for: (It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his pay check is dependent upon him not understanding it. - Sinclair)
Perhaps more importantly is to reach as many people as possible, blazing a trail, to a brighter future where the CARDANO block chain and smart contracts can create a better future the working man/woman. Maybe I can bring awareness to a large group of people that would not otherwise understand how close we truly are to a better world.
Well if you held just one speech I am sure the people that spoke up are probably not the people that others really want to listen to, its been my experience that the people others would want to listen to (in such an environment) would take your information into consideration for some time before they have anything to say on the matter and then they would only voice it in private.
I am interested in your passion and I know that Cardano will be a great place to find (or build) the tools you would like to use to make changes in your workplace.
If you are willing to work on this, maybe the 2 of us can find examples of blockchain technology that can be expanded to work to better the ecosystem you wish to make changes in, wont be a fix for today, but if it is worth working on for tomorrow I am willing to join you in your endeavor - and I am sure we can get some great input from others here on the forum.
With no clear solution it would not matter how many people the idea was in front of, with a working smart contract that fulfills all of the technical facets of the idea then l have no doubt the argument could not be muted and could find embrace by your local union.
“If the mountain won’t come to Mohamed, then Mohamed must go to the mountain”
I’m not sure where to start, Thank You! The coin desk article was epic. An article referencing unions, banksy, Cardano, and Rats!!! I like the pow in the eye, perhaps a pos in the other. Double meanings and double entendres the true mark of an artist. The marvellous thing about a joke with a double meaning is it can only mean one thing.
Also I wanted to say thank you to Landix for his kind words. Landix you clearly have been through the system. I’m willing to bet you have some trucks up your sleeve. Can I count you in as a co-conspirator?
You ask if I’m willing…Yes! I am willing to work. When you talk about it it’s dream. When you imagine it, it becomes a possible , but when you schedule it…it becomes real! Today I have sent the following to huff post,
Thank you for all you do. I was hopeful in the spirit of Eugene Debbs a and Upton Sinclair you may be gracious enough To publish this message by and to working men and women
I’ve been a teamster for over 20 years. Corruption is the red thread that runs through our leaders, sewing together loose morals to create black hoods of greed which are violently shoved over are heads from behind so we can be water boarded with a deluge of never ending union propaganda! They treat us like a mushroom, we’re kept in the dark and fed bullshit! The truth is our union has been broken for a long time. So broken there is no longer an attempt to hide the corruption. TDU is no better. Hoffa and Zuckerman are opposite sides of the same coin. I feel betrayed!!
It is an antiquated system with archaic laws. A relic, a shadow, a fading memory.I am sympathetic to my BROTHERS and SISTERS who are ready to mobolize walking out. We spend more time at work than w/our families. We ARE family!!! To all of you fighters I’m with you!!! I have an idea!!! An idea to remake the system. I know that sounds insane, however the real insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. Please! Hear me out. The idea is in its infancy. I think it was Henry Ford who said “ wheat her you believe you can or wheat her you believe you can’t either way your right.” I believe we can implement the blockchain/smart contracts to restore integrity to the Teamsters. UPS is already experimenting w/the block chain to track packages. I have been speaking with tech guys over at CARDANO. I could use all the help I can get! Come talk to us I’ll include the link or go to Cardano look for the title blockchain:Labor union revolution
also I called washingtonDC teamsters HQ to express my concerns, they were so kind and courageous they allowed me to leave a comment on there answering machine awwwwww the humanity!