Broken my pool after update 8.7.3

Hello, good morning. A few days ago, I updated all my nodes to version 8.7.3, both mainnet and preview. On the preview, I’m minting blocks and everything is okay, but on the mainnet, the block scheduled for last night was missed. I wanted to check the logs, but I realized that the logs are no longer there, in none of my mainnet nodes (5 nodes between bp and relays) are the logs available. I realized I made a mistake(yes i’m the king of idiots) and did not update the guild deploy scripts before updating to version 8.7.3. I’m sure that’s the problem, but now I’m stuck, I can’t update the scripts on the nodes, among other problems.

In the first relay, I have this issue… and I can’t move forward.

In the block producer, it’s the same, and I don’t know how to proceed.

The third relay gives me this problem but he conclude the update.

UPDATE on third node: after re run the guild deploy again seem going well and now i see my log and ssems work good.

and guys why can’t I see the logs anymore?

The other two are on Contabo, and we’ll leave those alone for now. How can I solve this? I’ve already lost one block in this epoch and have another 2 scheduled in less than 3 days. I don’t know what else I can do, and I wouldn’t want to lose these blocks as well. Please, if someone can help me…
if needed i can make a call or you can write me a dm on discord-twitter
have a good Saturday.

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Id recommand asking here : Telegram: Contact @CardanoKoios

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After discussing in the Telegram group, the node issue has been resolved,i have manually deleted the folder and rerun the guild deploy, I’m back online and everything seems okay , just wait for next block


In the end, I can say that the node “worked” with incorrect files and at the end of epoch 466, it created a leaderlog that did not match the actual slots assigned, after the fix and the force of the leaderlog, everything is okay
The leaderlog for the next epoch seems correct, it remained the same before and after the force

Regarding the logs I couldn’t see, it was because not having done the upgrade correctly, the relay wasn’t generating any logs. Now, this is okay too

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