Just wondering if it possible and safe to send ADA from my staking wallet (Daedalus + hardware wallet) to another wallet (mobile Yoroi). Only want to send a small part of the ADA in the staking wallet.
Just wondering if it possible and safe to send ADA from my staking wallet (Daedalus + hardware wallet) to another wallet (mobile Yoroi). Only want to send a small part of the ADA in the staking wallet.
Of course it is… why shouldn’t be?
Thanks. Don’t know why it shouldn’t be. Just want to be sure to not mess something up.
Yes, of course.
You can consider to also stake that wallet.
Alternative: You can also open the same wallet in your mobile Yoroi. It can also connect to hardware wallets. Haven’t had any problems with that, here.
Even more complicated alternative: You can first open it with Yoroi on desktop and then restore it into mobile Yoroi as a read-only wallet to just see your balance and transactions, there, but not be able to do any transactions from the mobile.
Thanks. Lots of good information.
Perhaps u wanted to ask if ur delegation/stake will be affected? The answer is NO
OK, good to know. The hardware wallet prompts me with a message “Withdrawing rewards ## ADA”. Not sure what that means. I’m just trying to send 1 ADA as a test to my other wallet. Receiving address, amount and fee was correct on device but then the “Withdrawing rewards” message shows up.
Daedalus automatically withdraws rewards if it sees fit. So it will use your rewards as an input for a part of that 1 ADA and only take the rest from one of your “normal” addresses.
Yoroi, on the other hand, does not implement that option and has an extra “Withdraw” button. Disadvantage of that is that you always have extra transactions with extra transaction fees for reward withdrawals. (… and that people get the feeling that the rewards are not really in their possession until they hit that button. But they are.)
Makes sense. Getting “An error occurred” messages in Daedalus. Signed transaction on device and presses Send button and then “An error occurred” pops up. Tried twice.
Transaction went through anyways. All good. Thanks for all the help.