Cannot access my wallet after changing my notebook

Did u logged out or uninstalled the app?

Anyway if u had ADA on ledger before… u should be able to access them… or maybe u activated password for the ledger or… changed the seed words

When I logged out of Chrome, it automatically logged me out of the Yoroi extension.

It’s also strange because if u are restoring the ledger yoroi wallet u don’t see anything to transactions history which can means u never performed transactions from ledger

I guess I will have to just write of those funds now.
Your advice and time is very much appreciated, thank you @Alexd1985 @tomdx @Micro86 @_2072

I checked again the wallet, it has 3 addresses and you moved the funds between them…
first you received the funds from the exchange on addr1qxamlkjmdx4fcfyz7023ue4rl…k3dds8axklszm2d6t - 22.03.2021

then you moved the funds from addr1qxamlkjmdx4fcfyz7023ue4rl…k3dds8axklszm2d6t
to addr1q8y3exy2jlf7yrfeau72xavzu…k3dds8axklsxadrkt - 22.03.2021

then you moved the funds from addr1q8y3exy2jlf7yrfeau72xavzu…k3dds8axklsxadrkt
to addr1q8rh8jq8wyq4snzdeyzjpmzhk…k3dds8axklsfsj30d - 16.05.2021

All 3 addresses belong to the same wallet, can u tell me why you moved the funds from one address to another? when u moved the funds did u used the ledger to authorize the transactions?


Total Addresses: 3

you should probably start to search a 15 seed words for simple yoroi wallet… you have it somewhere otherwise you could not completed the steps to create the yoroi wallet… check photos, or emails, or perhaps you wrote it on a paper… should looks like this


@Alexd1985 the first time was when I deposited it, I assume the second was when I staked it, I also assume the third was when I changed staking pools.

Thanks, I have searched but nothing related to Yoroi or ADA is on my list.

Live and learn I guess, thankfully its only a small amount.