Cant restore wallet after update

I have updated the daedalus wallet and now i cant restore it.
I wrote the twelve word fraises and it went through to the password page. After I wrote my username and password, I got an “error record” message.
Please help me to restore it.
Thank you

What platform is this? LInux, Mac or Windows? Please do not say Android, because there us a fake Daedalus wallet in the App store that will steal your funds.

Windows 10

Ok, good. You did not fall for a scam.

I have not used WIndows in over 10 years so I am not sure how helpful I can be. However, I am pretty sure that you will need to provide more information about the error than what you have above.

Is if possible for you to provide a screenshot or something? Grab the screenshot with the error message, and then use MS Paint or something to blank out things like your balance or any personal information.

I am having the exact same problem

sorry but why did you have to restore after the upgrade?

for example i have my wallet on daedalus, and when i do upgrade of daedalus to newer version i dont need to restore.

just only for testing reasons, i would try to install daedalus to new pc or try to restore your wallet to yoroi…
if it works there, then your laptop has unnecessary files from the previous installation

for example i have my wallet on daedalus, and when i do upgrade of daedalus to newer version i dont need to restore.

After the update there was no other choice

I cant attach the picture for some reason. It’s size is only 1.5 mb and still it is written that the the file is to big

can you please install daedalus on other laptop?
or restore on yoroi for testing reason?

thank you i have installed yoroi and everything has shown up i will now purchase another laptop just for my crypto thank you again

I have deleted the state directory, and than restore it with no problem
thank you all !

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