Can't send ADA from Ledger Nano S using Yoroi or AdaLite

Hi Guys!

Can’t Send ADA from my Ledger Nano S using Yoroi Or AdaLite Extension

Error says “Something unexpected happened. Please retry. ” Using Yoroi
Error "Can’t Sing in " using AdaLite

then a new tab opens for Ledger Connect which never stops loading.
URL : Ledger Connect | Yoroi
Sreen shots:
Album — Postimages

My Ledger Firmware is 1.6.1 and the ADA app is now 2.1.0

Please Help

Hey @Hamid_hazrati

Are you using Firefox? If so please use Chrome or Brave and try it again.

Seems there are some bugs when you use Firefox.


Thank you for your response

I tested on both (Chrome and Firefox)
Unfortunately it gives an error

Maybe that helps you :

also i saw this error : lll — Postimages

I Solved it

alternatively, if the above does not work:

1- open google chrome
2- go to
3- Chose Hardware Wallet
4- click on Connect With WebUsb

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