Cardano mainnet release

Please check development update with dates here

Also, would be great if you could open a seperate post for topics not relevant to original post in a thread

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Guys, as far as I understood we are already able to withdraw funds from ITN,but when I try to enter it it appears me something like"“THE DISPLAYED BALANCE AND TRANSACTION HISTORY MAY APPEAR INCORRECT UNTIL OUR SERVERS ARE BACK TO NORMAL” how can I withdraw em then?

You can now download the latest Daedalus version 2.1.0 and restore your ITN reward wallet there.

would you be so kind to provide me the link to this version?Thanks!

You can also go to and search the link there.

But one think to have in mind,I’ve used Yoroi testnet browsert extension for ITN,can I obtain my rewards in Daedalus version 2.1.0 or need to do somethin else?Thanks!

Yes its possible to claim your ITN rewards via Daedalus :slight_smile:

hello again,thank you for your previous answers.Only one more thing to let me know,when will be possible to stake in Yoroi(without AdaLite) with Legder Nano S?

There is currently no ETA for that. You may want to follow so you wont miss the announcement.

Thank you very much for your answer,but at the current moment is it possible to withdraw funds from the Legder Nano S without problem not staking only withdraw them?

Yes you can do that via Adalite.

thanks,is there any risks or something which I gotta be carefull using AdaLite?As far as I know it’s not from IOHK.

Just make sure you are on the offical website from Adalite.

As you see adalite is developed by VacuumLabs which enjoy a high reputation.


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Thank you very much,and my last question I’ll probably transfer them soon but meanwhile it is not problem to keep my ADA in Yoroi with Legder Nano S right?Although I am not able to stake.

No you dont have to hurry. You can simple wait for the update and stake or withdraw them whenever you want.


Hello again sir, I am trying to connect my Legder Nano S to the Shelly mainnet but when I press on the Cardano newest app and hit connect new tab has been opened but right after that were closed with the error"Something went wrong",do you have an idea,what could it be?

I guess you mean Yoroi?

Make sure you have updated your Firmware from Ledger & the newest Cardano App on your Ledger!

If you done that make sure you dont have any other Yoroi Extensions like ITN or Yoroi Nightly. If you do uninstall them.

God bless you!Nobody tell me that,I’ve uninstall the ITN Extension and now everything works well!Thank you!

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