Cardano, myself and developing a tiered framework

Hi everyone :slightly_smiling_face::raised_back_of_hand:

I have spent a number of years working on a social framework, originally conceived to reduce the externalities of social activity at source.

In short, neighbourhood community development, or a community of households working together to provide as much utility and quality of life for themselves as possible, and essentially be as close to self sustainable as they can, both economically and environmentally, using best available technology and practices.

This idea has evolved into a framework structured from the ground up to be a tiered community, from a neighbourhood, to a local group, then up through local region (ward), district, county, national region, national, global region and finally up to the global level.

In order to build greater cooperation across all tiers and communities I believe there should also be a top down approach which is where a blockchain voting system would be used, as well as each community level having a blockchain currency.

Neighbourhoods would use their blockchain currency to account for activities within the neighbourhood. The blockchain voting system would be to make decisions and manage relations within the neighbourhood, and this would be the same at higher tiers too. This would also return economics and money back to being a tool to be used for accounting and managing current activity, rather than as an asset to accumulate as property, power and wealth.

All individuals would be able to vote on all levels regarding those matters that they have an invested interest in, or are affected by.

I believe the global tier of voting should be kept to umbrella type votes in the form of blanket statements that can be binding on what lower tiers can then vote on.

i.e. Global vote #1 …. Should all humanity live peacefully and make the waging of war illegal. This sounds utopian, but essentially gives everyone a voice to democratically express their desire to be able to live in a peaceful and cooperative world, or not. I would hope this would equate to a unanimous YES, and in so doing governments that believe in democracy would have to agree to the will of the world population.

I digress as this is getting a bit ahead of myself. Such top down voting can limit lower tiers to only be able to put forwards manifestos etc that are bound by established ethics and agreed higher tier voting decisions.

I have very little knowledge of the intricacies regarding blockchain but have felt that it must have the potential to make such a system possible.

I would imagine individuals could easily farm single or multiple units that could be registered and legitimised as an official vote that is then spent on whichever policy the individual wishes to vote on.

Votes could be weighted by either how much a vote affects an individual, the individuals professional knowledge and proven expertise on the subject of a poll etc. and can even require a proven level of understanding relevant to the vote. This would no doubt require more detailed discussion in order to maintain voting equality, ethics etc.

This is a major part of my neighbourhood community development framework, but is still only a part as it also has to account for energy production, resource utility and allocation, education, health etc etc etc. etc.

This I see as my answer to a divided, unequal world, where governments are tied to self national interests. Where they are requiring to make sacrifices that go against fairness, the interests of their own populations and the environment, in order to attract investment etc and compete in a global market that seems to value centralised power and economic growth above quality of life, global cooperation and environmental sustainability.

I do hope this community finds some merit in my ideas and perhaps such discussion could lead to a better future.

If you have read this far, thank you for your time.
