Cardano Roadmap update: March 5th 2018

New items on the Cardano roadmap are now live! Check them out here:

Duncan Coutts, Director of Engineering at IOHK explains the release below:


Thanks for the update…marching along and getting things done…we appreciate your hard work to make Cardano THE Crypto of the future…:muscle:


Thank you very much for the update @tom.kelly, and all the hard work you guys do. Lots of good progress % in many areas plus the New Goegen test net at 50% with IELE and launching in April. Good stuff!!:grinning:

Edit: The Ledger Wallet work is probably well underway, it just does not have a % progress bar yet. But we have seen pictures floating around showing some level of Ledger wallet work by depicting a graphic on the device.


So talk of pools is at the 9m mark.

The most interesting thing he said here was that they plan to even out the size of pools. This would mean that there could be diminishing returns for voting for a very large pool.

One way to do this would be to calculate the total ADA staking, and thus total pool rewards for X number of pools. Then distribute an equal amount of rewards to each of the X number of pools. Each pool’s reward is the same size.

Pools with more staked ADA end up getting less reward as a percentage. Pools with fewer ADA staked get a larger percentage reward.

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I very much appreciate that there has already been a statement on this point, even though it has been said that it is not quite clear yet.
This confirms that this is a very tricky and important issue that many other crypto currencies have apparently not thought of at all.
A reduction of the possible stacking gains - should they come this way - I would find an interesting form of power balancing. In principle, it is also a kind of staking when a pool of financially strong investors decides to do so at the expense of direct returns.
Nevertheless, there will have to be some kind of fundamental conciliation that defines Cardano’s basic values, functionality and ethics, so that certain decisions are not even possible if someone would pay a lot of money for them. It creates a lot of confidence in a stable system that can be put to work when it is ensured that the basic rules of the game are not changed unilaterally afterwards.
And I am now writing quite deliberately: this must also protect a strong investor from the fact that a broad mass of people suddenly decided to impose much higher fees on him.
The best rules are those that curb, direct and motivate natural forces and intentions in such a way that the bottom line is that there is a sufficient advantage for all those involved. However, this also provides for mechanisms that sometimes allow compromises for one or the other minority that would never find a majority on their own.

This is usually decided by politicians in a functioning traditional democracy. The problem there are strong lobbies that act centrally. How this is supposed to work in a decentralized cloud of individualists and egomaniacs (non-negative) has to be clarified first.

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This is some of the early thinking on dPoS, and there are several crypto communities out there currently employing some forms of the game theory Cardano is set to release.

We have the luxury of looking at some of these communities to see what’s working and what is not.

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I meant existing 1th/2nd generation cryptos, which apparently ran in considerable split/fork/lock situations.
The decades we live through are indeed very exciting. Among other things, to observe whether different crypto’s will be designed to cover certain specific applications, thus complementing the existing economy. Or whether there will be (some) universal, ingenious global projects that initiate an evolutionary step.

You should provide indicators how much has certain area progressed in % since the last update.

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