Hello there, beautiful soul!
Hope this message finds you well.
This is it. Today is the last chance to register to vote for Fund10. Later today - by 9PM UTC - that’s when the snapshot is expected to take place. Unsure about your registration status? You can leverage the official verify tool in the newsletter below.
Completed your own registration already? Share the call to action (or this one) with the rest of your circles and communities to encourage them to participate in this voting round.
What’s the TLDR from the recent town hall? Logan from Clarity Protocol presented their close out project “no code audited smart contracts” and we also enjoyed a presentation by Steven from ADAbounties project.
Two brilliant examples of builders on Cardano. Want to find others? Make sure to navigate to Funds Overview and look up your favourites to see where they are and how they’re doing.
What’s the latest? Let’s dive right in.
Town Hall #139
- Townhall #139 link here
- TH Slides link here
TH Playlist: link here
Break Out Rooms: https://bit.ly/33i38SB
Next: TH #140 on Aug 23 at 5PM UTC. Register now via this recurring link.
Ready for your deep dives? Lido is.
Have you had a chance to leverage Lido Nation to do your initial research about Fund10 proposals ahead of the voting period? Make sure you do if you have not yet. The latest? All the ideafest participants now uploaded their videos online with their quick pitches. Brilliant way to learn more about your favourite projects. Catch the above tweet and relevant links here.
Moderation stage of Community Review
Catalyst has just concluded the second part of the Community Review - and that is moderation of outcomes by Level2 moderators. Preliminary outcomes were shared during the town hall and you can check out the slides here or time stamped town hall segment here.
Keep in mind that data is not yet final and the team will take next week to finalize the output and then publish final output. Stay tuned for when that takes place.
As part of the ongoing reviews and moderation, the Catalyst team has also performed a review of scope and approaches in various categories and will be getting in touch with some proposers about the next steps. Guiding principles are tied to the challenge brief requirements. You can check the short update on this from town hall as well here.
Not sure what Community Review and moderation is all about? We dived in depth about the moderation stage during one of the town halls recently - but we also recommend reviewing complete information via GitBook pages here to learn more about what’s going on at the moment.
Voter Registration - Last Call - Aug 18, 9PM UTC
Voter registration is underway. As always, feel free to bookmark the Catalyst Knowledge base via docs.projectcatalyst.io to keep an eye on the latest. The voter registration section is linked here. The snapshot is expected to take place on August 18th at 9PM UTC. We recommend to have your wallet balance finalized 30 minutes before and not to move it 30 minutes past snapshot.
Monitor when your wallet is ready for registration and under what terms via this page.
If you have cast a vote in the past - you also need to re-register in order to be eligible for voter rewards due to change in metadata standard in registrations on chain.
NEW: Unsure whether you’ve done everything correctly? You can leverage the new MVP verification tool that you can find here: https://verify.testnet.projectcatalyst.io.
Keep in mind that you should only leverage this website and none other.
What happens after the registration period is over? Voting Period rolls in by the end of the month if everything goes according to plan. There will be a two week voting period in the first two weeks of September and results in the later half of the month. Full tentative timeline below.
Team talks more Catalyst
Catalyst team took an opportunity to talk all things Catalyst and proposed future direction on roadmap. You can catch the full Cardano Over Coffee twitter space recording here or you can catch full podcast upload version on this page.
Voltaire Musings
This week in Voltaire, participatory governance advances with the launch of the first iteration of SanchoNet, an evolving technical testbed for CIP-1694’s on-chain governance actions. It is a new playground for the Cardano community to experience CIP-1694 in a controlled testnet environment. New governance roles, such as future delegate representatives (DReps), will be available to the community to experience and weigh in on the advancement of participatory governance. Visit SanchoNet to learn more and join the conversation on Discord.
Intersect is a key institution for the ecosystem that brings together companies, developers, individuals, and other ecosystem participants to shape and drive the future development of Cardano. As such, it will be an administrator of processes that govern the continued roadmap and development of the Cardano platform and protocol. Join Intersect today as a founding member to receive an exclusive newsletter with a first look at the latest highlights. Additionally, a CIP-1694 Digest launched on the news tab of Intersect to provide vital technical information across all things Voltaire.
Weekly GitHub Repo Round Up
Here’s the update from the technical side of Catalyst last week:
- Finalized testing of the mobile app, incorporating adjustments for fund operations, community reviews, and voting user experience.
- Addressed issues with the snapshot importer on testnet.
- Fixed the Catalyst toolbox to accurately manage reward addresses.
- Deployed the Project Catalyst snapshot module for community use.
- Updated the supported wallets’ GitBook with new versions to improve usability.
- Progressed in integrating snapshot data with an auto-deployment and orchestration framework for ongoing voting events.
- Incorporated metrics to be logged during the execution of the IdeaScale importer.
- Updated the IdeaScale importer to capture the necessary fields required by new features in the voting app.
- Worked on the implementation of Fund10 changes to
. - Introduced the continuous testnet and shared the announcement with the community, including the GVC.
- Completed another load test on the voting node, resolving an issue with the tallying process.
- Conducted an investigation into fragment specifications to explore the potential creation of a reference ‘vote signer,’ aimed at enhancing testing capabilities.
- Implemented data input validations to ensure compatibility with the event database.
For full access please review:
Get in touch
And that’s a wrap. Let’s talk Catalyst & governance via twitter, or telegram, or reddit, or wherever is your home online and keep conversations engaging on these very important topics.
Enjoy your day ahead!
Danny & the Project Catalyst team
Daniel Ribar
Community at Project Catalyst
Note: References in this newsletter to the 3rd party projects, products, and services are provided for information purposes only and are not endorsements. Everyone should carry out their own investigations before relying on the information provided in this newsletter.