In a previous AMA, Hoskinson mentioned that he’d started using the Muse headgear to help increase his mindfulness. Based on this recommendation, I bought one and tried it out. It’s pretty cool. The audio feedback is useful. However, when I began using Sam Harris’ meditation app “Waking Up”, I found that the approach Muse was taking actually seriously limited the potential benefits of meditation. So, I’m writing this post because I know the stress of trying to build something like Cardano is probably overwhelming and would like Charles to adopt a practice that would actually be more effective at helping him achieve the kind of relaxation and clarity that would help him be a better CEO. If you think his seeing this post would be useful, please upvote or comment so that he is more likely to see this post.
I have an interest in meditation, I’d love to hear more about this issue.
What would you like to know?
Contemplative prayer works too. Choose a bible verse, e.g. from Proverbs or Psalms, which are the source of all wisdom, particularly on how to deal with people which is what business is all about -people and relationships that hold it together - and reflect on its meaning in your own life. Does wonders for me when it comes to stress relief. Of course, believing in the living judeo christian God is a necessary precondition here, or else the Bible is just gobbledygook to the unintended person.
Yeah. While I don’t know Charles, I doubt that he believes in the Judeo Christian God.
I don’t know for certain either, but he does have great admiration and has worked for Ron Paul, who is a believer and a staunch libertarian like Charles. To me, he seems like he is a believer.
I think Charles sees religion for what it is, a man-made concept.
Sounds like you know who made it all.
Good find! yup…he definitely believes religion was created to control masses of society!
to break it down in simply…the path to achieving internal peace, via be it through meditation etc etc…its very simple, one must discover this for him or herself. I like to Fish, Fishing brings a great sense of calm and peace. Yoga is also a favorite of mine, although i rarely practice now ( note to self, do more
yoga haha).
bottom line, one mans food can be another mans poison. What works for Charles may not work for you, and vise versa.
Yes, recommendations are always helpful, but one much practice and discover for themselves.
Also, as we age and change over the years, our methods of meditation might change too, in terms of how we relax. Sometimes it can stay the same too, like fishing for me
I take it you subscribe to moral relativism?
Good point.
Like the idea…but If i subscribed to it, id have no opinion… i do believe, its the coarse of action, that we, as a race or nation or etc, inevitably automatically adhere too.
For the good of the greater
p.s. i had to google “moral relativism” in order to answer your question
I’m glad you used that word ‘good’. It implies a standard.
I’ve been a serious meditator for 2 decades. In fact I’ve made it the number 1 priority in my life. Based upon actual experience (how it’s changed my life) one will not have a base (be content) until they find the stillness of thought free awareness.
I feel so strongly about this that I think the project should have on staff, a permanent “Spiritual Advisor”. Healthy, grounded, egoless employees makes for a healthy, stable project.
Prayer and meditation serve different functions
Recommend Yuttadhammo on YouTube. A Theravadin Buddhist monk with plenty of videos on meditation and various topics.
Yes. Meditation, as I understand it, serves to “empty” or “center” the mind. Problem is as soon as it’s “empty”, I think right away “what emptiness?” and all the old crap creeps back in. Prayer serves to commune with the only real living God (Judeo-Christian), focus on the Word and let that preoccupy one’s mind/heart/soul. My mind is constantly filled with… well, mostly crap, but the point I’m illustrating is, the only time it’s “empty” is when I’m asleep - maybe, and certainly when I’m dead. With prayer, the aim is not to empty it but to latch on to what is Good and Holy and let that overtake the crap.
The emptiness one would experience during intensive meditation isn’t the goal. The practice is to see those experiences objectively as arising and ceasing phenomena. When you ask “what emptiness?” You’re no longer being objective instead taking the experience as me or mine. Through proper practice youll come to see that an eternal soul or god is against reality. It’s not our mind but yes its certainly propelled by junk.
There is also no certainty that death is final.