Claim Carbon Markets for Cardano - World's Greenest and Most Secure Blockchain đź’š

Dear Cardano Devs, Pool Operators and Delegators,

The green credentials of Cardano and the amazing initiatives of our community to further support the cause of sustainability and renewable energy are going to be our competitive advantage in the “battle of the blockchains”.

For this reason, it is important that we start early on to move green finance into the Cardano DeFi ecosystem. This involves crowdfunding of green tech innovation, ESG investment, and trading of carbon offsets in a way that addresses the (often rightful) accusation of greenwashing. Some coins already exist on Ethereum, Tezos, Polygon, Hyperledger but it’s time for us to take the lead with Cardano heart :heart:and Cardano rigor :books:!

Today’s carbon offset prices severely underpay the efforts of green innovation, afforestation etc by valuing serious projects at a fraction of the social cost of carbon and keeping the carbon price too low to encourage a new wave of truly additional greenhouse gas emission reduction.

We are looking for funding at Cardano Project Catalyst (Fund 7) to set up a Foundation and bring stakeholders together to get the dialogue started. We are going to set up a charitable foundation and later a DAO to keep greed and conflict of interest out of it and stay free of government and corporate meddling.

:point_right:If you like to know more, share input, collaborate, join us, give encouragement or voice concerns, head to our proposal (Community - IdeaScale login or signup required) or website (

Please vote for us in Fund-7 by searching for “ BlockCarbon ” in the Catalyst Voting App from January 20th . We are in the Category: “Boosting Cardano’s DeFi”. The category is super competitive with many established players vying for limited funding so we need you !!! :pray::pray::pray:

Our Youtube Teaser for the Vote:

Thanks so much for your time and support. You rock! :metal::metal::metal:
