Cncli-leaderlogs accuracy

I also had this issue of cncli being completely off. But nothing was incorrect with my node files or kes key.

I fixed the cncli leaderlog being incorrect by deleting all cncli db files. Then restarting the sync. It is possible to get a corrupted cncli.db and this will result in an incorrect cncli leaderlog result

rm cncli.db  cncli.db-shm  cncli.db-wal
cncli sync --host --port <port> --db <path-to-db>

Hopefully this resolves the issue for those who have the correct KES but an incorrect cncli leaderlog output. I only knew as my small tldr:pool minted a block that cncli leader did not show. (We all should be trying to ensure stuff on telgram and discord makes it’s way onto the forum)

tldr; A possible solution is to remove and resync cncli db as it maybe corrupted

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