My wallet does not seem to be replaying the ledger fully. Daedalus does not show itself connecting to mainnet, nor the node responding or syncing. The node is crashing after awhile. Does anyone know how to fix? Should I delete anything?
This is a known issue and is currently being worked on. I will post again when there is a fix available. ETA is a day or two.
Deleted the wallet and chain, and am resyncing. This is kind of time sensitive. Should I be able to get the wallet working with that, or am I going to need to install a lite wallet to make my transaction?
Deleting the wallet and chain will not help. There is a bug in the node
software that comes with Daedalus
If you need immediate access to your funds I would suggest one of the following:
- Loading your seedphrase into a lite wallet like adalite.
- If you are pretty highly computer literate you can replace the installed
and everything should just work (I did this and it worked. I use Linux).
Ended up using Yoroi. I needed to resync the wallet anyways. Would have taken a few hours.
You can resync with the Daedalus you have, but it will not get past the block height at which it was crashing before.
There will be a new release in the next couple of days, or you can do what I described above.
The new version (5.3.1) has been released to Daedalus - Downloads .
Glad you got it working.
Offtopic: Will Daedalus see support for node 8.1 and newer at some time?
(I don’t have any issues with space and sync. So why change…)
Yes, it is my understanding that people within IOG are working on new releases.
I’m experiencing this using Daedalus for the Preview testnet
$In have it now with my normal mainnet wallet. Stuck on 0.23% blockchain state 99.98% syncing blockchain 100% version is 7.0.2
I recently fully reinstalled deadelus and it worked for a week or two…
When are they ever gonna get this thing to just work and be stable… it’s a piece of SH…
Get it right team, you’ve been at it for more then 8 years
They more or less can’t. It’s a full-node wallet app, it will always need many GiB of space and a lot of time to sync.
You don’t have to use it. Use one of the many excellent light wallet apps.
The security gain you have with Daedalus/full-node is not very relevant. If you want security, use a hardware wallet (which makes switching between wallet apps even easier).
hi , i don’t care that it take s a long time to sync the blockchain. I care that it crashes regularly which corrupts it’s database. I have a hardware wallet (several of them) so that’s not the issue.
Currently it crashed when i insert or pull a yubikey
Which OS? Have you met the system requirements? I also think the memory requirements stated on that page (16G) are insufficient. Daedalus or any of its components crashing are usually a sign of an system requirements not being met.
I have a Yubikey and can plug and unplug it without disturbing a running Daedalus instance (on a machine in 32G of RAM).
The general Cardano forum is probably not the best way to reach the Daedalus team. If you want to reach them specifically, or would be better ways.
Since a Yubikey should have nothing to do with Daedalus whatsoever, Erik’s guess that your machine just isn’t powerful enough seems plausible.
well a year ago this was the biggest , fastest laptop i could buy so it’s not the system requirements. it also has a 4090 gpu in it. as i have everything on hardware wallets i can use yoroi or lace also. i simply started with daedelus in 2017 and i like it. (except when i need to reinstall it
) it’s just very susceptible to corruption when it doesn’t close it’s database properly. the connections issues seem to have bettered a bit over time.
the reason i like it cause it’s still not a website that can be hacked/impersonate/cloned and i know where it is. (see my other post)
reinstalling is just a pain, that’s all for the rest it’s all ok.
If you are using a hardware wallet, this doesnt have to bother you, as long as you confirm/control the transaction detail on your hardware wallet.
Seriously stop wasting your time with Daedalus.
well Deadelus doesn’t show the metadata of that scam coin that i posted in the other post. So it never triggers the user to go to the website. Only yoroi and lace show it
so it has some advantages
by the way it crashes not on the insertion of the yubikey, but on the signing with your finger part.
i insert it, it uses windows hello for secondary confirmation and from the moment you touch it , daedelus crashes.