I’m hoping someone can help clear this up. The wallet keeps getting stuck on 99% syncing blocks. The logs say:
Jan 10 12:04:04.385 INFO failed to connect to peer, reason: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond. (os error 10060), node_id: a644058248c0d9721fdbef3f3996e65e5fe4df844f9ae597, peer_addr: 76.xxx.xxx.xxx:4000, task: network
Thx! I tried that and it worked this time. Strange, I’ve done that several times before and it would still hang up. I think once it’s actually connected. Glad it’s working though. If it happens again, will advise. Thx again!
Since getting past the original issue, daedalus status and cardano status on the diagnostics page keep showing everything connected and synced, but after a few hours, the sync part un-sync’s. Why does the sync keep dropping?