Deadalus not showing my pool info

Just had a large delegate try to stake to SANTO but could not find us in daedalus. This is disappointing to say the least

hmm I don’t have daedalus but it should be fine… I don’t see any errors

if u tested more daedalus wallets perhaps u should contact IOHK daedalus support team

I did that already, they gave me the same smash hash check (below) that you gave me and my pool has no errors. Same issue found on multiple daedalus wallet installs including latest 4.2 - two computers of mine and now a delegate with 205k that wanted to switch to our pool but could not.

I did all of these checks with no errors

Not sure what to do next. Maybe we can find a github dev who can dig deeper?

I finally fixed it. My metadata url was too long and on our squarespace website it was not raw text. I moved it to github gist used raw public and then used to shorten the url all thanks to Ryan at pool PANL! my new smashguardian!!!

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Thanks for the mention! Sorry I am just getting around to seeing this thread.

As an additional note, for anyone interested in an alternative SMASH server showing only members of a specific alliance, just change your settings in Daedalus to any of the following urls:
xSPO -