Delegation/Rewards Timings And Switching Pools

Can someone clarify to me the mechanics of delegations and rewards by examples?

  1. Let’s say current Epoch is as follow:
    starts every day at 00:00 AM
    ends every day at 11:59 PM

  2. On Monday I delegate 30k :ada: to pool “ANY” at 03:00 PM

  3. During Monday I see that pool “ANY” is very low performant during this epoch, so at 11:55 PM I decide to delegate instead to pool “LUCKY”.

During Monday I will not be eligible to any reward, but now am I eligible to get rewards from “LUCKY” during Tuesday’s Epoch?
If yes when will I get those rewards? at 00:00 AM of Wednesday?

to sum up:

  1. Monday All day:
    not delegated

  2. Monday 03:00 PM:
    given delegation for Tuesday to “ANY”

  3. Monday 11:55 PM:
    changed delegation for Tuesday to “LUCKY”

  4. Tuesday All Day:
    Delegated to “LUCKY”

  5. Wednesday 00:00 AM:
    I get the rewards from Tuesday’s Epoch relative to “LUCKY”

  6. Wednsday All Day:
    still delegated to “LUCKY” of course

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You don’t get rewards for Tuesday, it skips a full epoch. You start earning on Wed and receive it at the end of that epoch.

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yeah, it was interesting for me too. I understand that delegated ada must be entire full epoch in order to get reward

ohh man… why such a wait?

ok and what happens if I change the delegation during Tuesday?

here is how:

  1. Monday All day:
    not delegated

  2. Monday 03:00 PM:
    given delegation for Wednesday to “ANY”

  3. Tuesday 11:55 PM:
    changed delegation for Wednesday (? or Thursday?) to “LUCKY”

  4. Tuesday All Day:
    not delegated

  5. Wednesday All Day:
    first epoch delegated to “LUCKY” ??

  6. Wednesday 11:59 PM:
    I receive the rewards from “LUCKY” ??

You get on Wednesday rewards for ANY and from Thursday on for LUCKY.

Please be aware that the epochs are time-shifted to days so in reality switching will not be at 0:00 AM

like this?:

  1. Monday All day:
    not delegated

  2. Monday 03:00 PM:
    given delegation for Wednesday to “ANY”

  3. Tuesday 11:55 PM:
    changed delegation (for Thursday?) to “LUCKY”

  4. Tuesday All Day:
    not delegated

  5. Wednesday All Day:
    first epoch delegated to “ANY”

  6. Wednesday 11:59 PM:
    I receive the rewards from “ANY”

  7. Thursday All Day:
    first epoch delegated to “LUCKY”, (but second epoch delegated in general)

  8. Thursday 11:59 PM:
    I receive the rewards from “LUCKY”

  9. Friday All Day:
    still delegated to “LUCKY” for my 3rd epoch of delegation.

What do you mean by that? it will be shifted at 00:01 AM?

What happens if in the above example I switch from ANY to LUCKY during Monday instead of Tuesday?
I will be delegated to LUCKY on Wednesday? correct?

Look here:

oh I see… depends on the your time zone of course.
But for the sake of my example is from 00:00 to 23:59

You think too complicated. Forget the days and think in epochs.
You delegate in epoch n to ANY. This will give you rewards for epoch n+2 and further on.
When you change within epoch n to LUCKY, then the rewards for epoch n+2 and further on will be from LUCKY. You don’t get any rewards from ANY.
If you wait a bit longer until epoch n+1 with changing your delegation to LUCKY, then you will get rewards for epoch n+2 from ANY and for epoch n+3 and following from LUCKY.