Didn't recive ADA sent from Binance to Yoroi Shelly wallet

@Mitke Sorry to hear that you experienced this issue. :pensive:

It seems that you’re using Windows as your operating system and you don’t have a hardware wallet. Have you considered using a hardware wallet or installing Linux on a separate disk or disk partition and then boot from it every time that you want to run Daedalus or Binance (both Daedalus and Binance have a Linux app)?

In case you do have Linux experience, I recommend Qubes OS: it separates its processes in different virtual machines, thus making it quite safer than an ordinary or “popular” Linux distro. If you’re a Linux newbie, XUbuntu is a lightweight, easy to use and easy to install solution that may be an excelent starting point for you.

If you don’t want to use Linux, and considering that you’ve been transactioning good amounts of ADA, it’s strongly advised that you buy a good hardware wallet to manipulate your ADA in a safer manner. The Ledger Nano S and Ledger Nano X (but not the Ledger Live) hardware wallets support Cardano, and some of the (more expensive and not necessarily better) Trezor T hardware wallet also supports Cardano. These resources (Linux and/or a hardwallet) reduce the likelihood of a scam affecting you again in the future.

IOHK has a nice article about how to integrate a Ledger or Trezor hardware wallet with Daedalus.

Even though Daedalus is much slower, if you decide to adopt Linux then Daedalus is the recommended wallet to use, because it’s not browser-integrated as e.g. Adalite (browser integration makes you more exposed to malware and scams).

Once you have Daedalus on Linux and restore your wallets there, you can follow these instructions in order to create the equivalent QR Codes that you can then read with Yoroi, in order to add such Daedalus wallets as Yoroi’s read-only (watch-only) wallets. By doing so, you can use Yoroi in your e.g. smartphone in order to monitor your ADA balance in your wallets, but Yoroi won’t be allowed to send funds out of such watch-only wallets, thus “forcing” you to reboot your computer from Windows, boot Linux and run Daedalus in such safer environment (where you’re advised not to use your Linux device for anything more than Daedalus, i.e. don’t browse the web nor anything for that matter. If you want to browse the web with Linux, install Tor Browser). If you’re going to use Binance, download Binance’s (safer) Linux browser available at Binance’s download page.