Please help me
On 31 of augest i send ada from shelly era yoroi wallet to binance when on that time binance ada system is on maintenance
In binance adress i dont recieve ada
Binance support say me after maintenance finish u recieve ada but when system is ok and maintenance finished we dont recieve ada
Anyone help me plz what should i do
I have txid on explore cardano site it show 20000 confirmations but when we check it txid on binance it doesnt show
I lost my coins or i recieve
Plz plz plz plz help me
If the transaction has been confirmed by the network and you are sure that the receiving address is correct, you have to contact the Binance support. Nobody else is able to help you in this case.
Yes txid in ok we check in explore cardano site it take 20000 confirmations
But we sent ada during maintenance in binance. address is also correct
If the transaction is on the blockchain, then this is almost certainly a Binance problem. You should contact them.
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Generally its not advisable to send coin while wallet is on maintainance, did this once and learnt my lesson from it… Only Binance can help you sort that out now, like you said its already confirm on the Chain
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