Different amount of ada display on Ledger during transaction

Hi, I just resolve the problem with Ada app disconnecting from Yoroi closing the Ledger live app. If the ledger live app stay open the Ada app when using Yoroi disconnect so I have to close ledger live. IS IT NORMAL?

BUT after this I tryed to move 10 Ada from Byron era wallet to Shelley era wallet and I found this:

1- Start new transaction OK
2- Send 10 ada OK
3-To address OK
4- Ledger ask me again to send not 10 Ada but 3,978 Ada STRANGE!!!
Then I stopped the transaction because the amount was different, it should tell me transaction fee at stage 4 …
Is it normal?
Can you please help me…


Could be an issue ongoing between yoroi and ledger… can u try in Adalite.io to check if this behavior is still present?


no I didn’t it is something like I used always Yoroi in the past and it worked fine so I’m not so confident using a new wallet.

Is Adalite.io secure as Yoroi with hardware wallet? I really don’t know Adalite I really like to resolve the problem with Yoroi if possible…

As someone else the same problem?


Yes, is secure , ur ada will stay on ledger… but if u are not feel confortable then you should wait to be fixed on yoroi…

More people said that they have issues with ledger and yoroi,

You need to move your funds from byron to shelley?


Thanks, you are always on!!!

Ready to reply, I really appreciate.


If you want to move ada from byron to shelley first you need to create a new shelley yoroi wallet (bkp your phrase carefully for the new wallet you will need for future restore of the wallet) and then move funds from byron to shelley wallet

Tips: when I created wallets for me or my friends first I sent few ada: then I deleted the wallet and try to restore it again ; this way you will be sure you will not have surprises on future when you will tey to restore it! Then if everythings were fine moved all ada.



But if I do with ledger I don’t need a backup frase for the Shelley Wallet as I understood, I connect the ledger and I’m log in as now I guess…
Isn’t it?

Right, you have a password for access and if I understood well 24 phrase words for ledger restore

@alexmarine - Yes it is normal in Yoroi , the default output for remaining funds from utxo selected for transaction are sent back to your wallet, which is what you see the second prompt for.

Seb also made a video explaining the process and why you’re prompted.

Thanks for the video, I’m going to study it right now.
