Exploring possibility of Listing cardano on our Exchange


I’m exploring the feasibility of listing Cardano on our exchange. So far we have the following requirements to explore before we go ahead.

A good library for creating offline HD wallet. (Preferably in Node.js)
Setting up the main net and listen to block/transaction events.
Test Net env for testing.

So far for address generation, this the best option I have found.
https://github.com/vacuumlabs/cardano/tree/nodejs although I have to do a send transaction to confirm the validity of the address.

And from my research, I think there is no testnet available yet for cardano?

Would be great if someone can get in touch for guiding us through this.

The developers have been working towards providing exchange support, they have been successful in assisting exchanges in the past and I am sure they would be the best option for you in your endeavor in listing ADA, a detailed explanation to their contact found at https://iohk.io/contact/ will get you set on your way.


Hi @anon20038177, thanks for the update, although I have already sent a message via the contact from, waiting for the revert.

Hi @anon20038177 I yet didn’t get any revert from the cardano team regarding this. Any suggestions how should I proceed further? If there is a direct email please let me know.


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I hope you do end up getting a reply, CosmosX has posted the email for Jane Wild who is the communications Director for IOHK.

Good Luck.

Yes, I have got in touch with them. Thanks for your help.

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