Failed Transaction Attempsts

Do you guys see any issue with sending ADA today? I have tried to send ADA to my wallet and I keep getting “failed attempt” notification from our brokerage account. I tried several times and different wallets and still the same issue. Any ideas?

Here is an example:
Your attempt to send ADA was unsuccessful.

Your funds are safe and have been returned to your ADA balance. You can try sending again below.

Date September 21, 2022
Quantity ADA
Network Cardano
Status Failed
Reason External
Refund amount
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This has nothing to do with Cardano. It is the exchange/platform you are using that has problems, they are probably upgrading to prepare for the hard fork happening later today.


Thanks for your response. I checked this issue with the exchange platform and this is what they said:

Thank you for contacting us. We understand that you are experiencing the issue which is related to your ADA. We assure you that we’ll do everything to provide you the resolution as soon as possible.

On September 22nd around 2pm PST, Coinbase is performing required maintenance that will result in a temporary pause in sends and receives for Cardano (ADA) in preparation for the Cardano Vasil hardfork that afternoon.

We expect to resume ADA sends and receives approximately 4 hours after the maintenance has started. We will post regular updates to our status pages below:

If you encounter any difficulty with ADA after we have completed this maintenance, please let us know by responding directly to this case and we’d be happy to help!

We appreciate your understanding and doing business with us. Have a great day!