Failure message "Unexpected error occurred. Please retry"

I have a ledger nano S (version 2.4.1) and every action I try to perform fails, drep registration or ada transfer.
I have tried to use Yoroi and adaLite and also switched to firefox.
The error I get is “Unexpected error occurred. Please retry”.

Most likely its due Firefox. Try to install Yoroi on Chrome/Brave browser and reconnect your wallet there.

If this wont help, try to use another wallet like Typhon (but also on Chrome/Brave browser).

@Zyroxa Thanks for the quick response. I tried all of the above but it’s still the same error message.
Also Typhon Wallet doesn’t give me an error, the confirm button for the transfer doesn’t do anything.
Any ideas? Is it related to the fact that I’m using a ledger nano S with the version 2.4.1 (I also tried to use version 3.0.0 by enabling experimental from ledger live)?

Are you talking about the Ledger firmware or the Cardano app with that version number?

@Zyroxa The Cardano app version

adalite is giving me this error “Transaction rejected while signing. Network id in tx body not supported by Ledger app version 2.4.1.”

Yeah okay thats the issue.

You have to update your Ledger firmware before and then update the Cardano app.

It worked!
The ledger live installed on my desktop was stuck with an old version.
After I reinstalled it, the UI changed and I was able the update to a new firmware.

thanks :raised_hands: @Zyroxa

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