I don’t use a GUI or LiveView for monitoring, but yeah the nodes mellow out once on tip compared to them syncing with the chain.
You’ll want to look at all your nodes’ log files and confirm they are receiving transactions into the mempool
I don’t use a GUI or LiveView for monitoring, but yeah the nodes mellow out once on tip compared to them syncing with the chain.
You’ll want to look at all your nodes’ log files and confirm they are receiving transactions into the mempool
Thanks FROG,
I think in testnet that will be hard, as not much happens there any more. Now I have a partner, so hopefully myself and @JT_Cazorla will manage to share topologies and see some performance on our testnet pools.
Thanks again for your input over the last few weeks, it has greatly helped!
Cheers A
FROG’s the best…he has saved me ‘countless’ hours filling in missing gaps on the stake pool course and my understanding of how the network works.
My pleasure, Adrem
Good luck and let me know how else I might be able to assist.
Thank you
I really like just the standard CLI view… It’s hard to count the number of nodes you’re connected to, but much easier to spot issues especially with colored text for different messages.
Hi @JT_Cazorla,
I am finally back on a machine with a screen bigger than pack of smokes. I’ll try to go in steps:
quoting the above, it looks like your two nodes (being two laptops at home on the same network as you said) are talking to each other on their internal IPs; I have gotten the impression from others that this may not be best practice going forward, as relay and core couple on the same network/VMs do not provide adequate security (please confirm this with others);
my first bullet point should not matter for now, as we are on testnet. However, for me to talk to your relay (.11 above), you will have to provide the public ipv4. Also, you will need to setup port forwarding (for port 3001, which is the one for your relay in the image above) for the MAC address on your machine running the relay (assign a static IP to it internally first). This was suggested to me by @ADAfrog a while back, you’ll find it in one of my old posts;
my relay node is on : Once I have modified its firewall to accept incoming on 3664 from you (and not just my core), we should be able to link up. for this to work I will need info as specified in point 2 above.
Let me know if this makes sense. I will keep an eye out for your test pool on my synced copy of Daedalus: what is the ticker?
I’m still syncing…even overnight, my testnet wallet went from 90% to 94.25%…the last 10% sync of the testnet wallet is the slowest I’ve ever seen.
I think what’s a bad set up is having virtual machines and docker apps on the same underlying hardware. Physical separate machines on a LAN is probably not as secure as those on separate LANs, but then again, maybe not. Separating one of your relays from your BP produces additional complexity over the public www which I think in theory would be easier to exploit in certain instances because their are more ways to interrupt the connection (man in the middle so to speak) between two separated machines over a public network because of the additional complexity and exposure to public www. At the other end of the extreme you have your BP and relay running too closely together, on the same machine. It easier to bring down one machine containing both nodes virtually than two separate machines. Anyway, I’m not an IT guy, just an opinion based on purely uninformed “reasoning” or guessing.
I’ve had port forwarding set up for a while forwarding ports from external relays to my internal one, and from my relay to my core. My IPs are already static: I chose to match port 3000, and the same for the relay to match 3001. I had this idea because I was tired of having to reconfigure things after my internal DHCP server would change the IP addys of my core and relay everytime I would do a fresh install on a computer the DHCP hadn’t seen before. I now have a hybrid set up at home…static IPs for my relay and core and dynamic IPs via internal DHCP for everthing else, but I was only able to set up static IPs by having an additional router with ethernet…static IPs take well to ethernet ports, but not as well to wifi. I don’t know why, but I needed a second router to set up static IPs on ethernet. The main router was too far away from where I usually do my work to do physical connections to my main router.
lol…I’m most proud of my firewall rules. At first writing detailed rules for my relay and and core was a daunting task because I didn’t know how to write detailed rules to get the ufw app to accept what I wanted it to do, but after a few hours and looking at the manual page for ufw, it was like riding a bicycle. It’s quite easy now, and I set up my own detailed rules as tight as possible to constrain traffic as much as possible to the involved nodes and their respective ports. The learning process for the ufw was like riding a bike…didn’t make much sense at first because I couldn’t get ufw to accept detailed rules, but after a few hours things clicked very quickly and I was writing detailed rules that were as constrained as much as possible (l.e., lots of details/constraints but without compromising communication among all the nodes involved).
I messed around with my pool name, shortening the content to get my url to 65 characters in length, part of the “shortening” process was to get rid of pool info…pool info has a way of making your url longer. So, lol, now my pool name as well as my pool metadata is short and silly…this was before I discovered “url shorteners”. I was only able to get my url length down to 67 character by messing with the pool metadata content, then I actually had to change my github user name to shrink it further to get it at most 65 chars in length. I have a short url now, but still have silly pool info from trying to shorten the url the first time around by messing with the metadata. Anyway, the unintended short ticker is LPO.
OK, test wallet is finally synced. Message me when you’re ready to experiment.
I can’t find pool data in testnet wallet…I might have wrong testnet wallet installed.
Never mind…it was sort of hidden among the tabs - I found it.
Anyway your public.relay.IP:port has been added to my relay ufw and main router port-forwarding table.
My ticker is LPO, but doesn’t show up under testnet daedulus wallet delegation tab. I can see yours in my wallet though - ADRE2.
I didn’t set my KES value the way you did. Do you think that has something to do with it?
You mentioned “startKESperiod must be currentKESperiod - 1” in one of your earlier posts, but I don’t know which file/command this comes from. I’ll try to find it in the meantime. Maybe that’s why my node is not visible - don’t know.
hi @JT_Cazorla,
OK, I have added you to my relay node, and successfully connected to it. My metric now shows 10 connected peers as per below topology (BP node is intentionally redacted for best practice):
“Producers”: [
“addr”: “x.x.x.x”,
“port”: XXXX,
“valency”: 1
“addr”: “relays-new.cardano-testnet.iohkdev.io”,
“port”: 3001,
“valency”: 8
“addr”: “72.x.x.x”,
“port”: 3001,
“valency”: 1
Have you been able to connect to mine? If so, our combined setup is as follows (connection distances not to scale):
T <—> I <--------2--------> RELAY_JT (FL,USA) <–> BP_JT (FL,USA)
`W <—>O |
O <—> H |
R <—> K <-------8---------> RELAY_ADREM (FRANKFURT,GER) <–> BP_ADREM (SING)
I need to do a bit of reading to learn how to check delegations. If you wanno stake some of your tADA to ADRE2, please go ahead. The change will not take effect until the end of epoch 84 anyway, so it gives me a bit of time.
I can confirm that your LPO ticker does not show on Daedalus, see other post for what is merely my opinion…particularly because you said your url was OK.
The other thing I need to find out in the next few days is how to scrape the metric that shows incoming txns: from some discussions I read, the more your relays are connected to other pools’ relays (not just the IOHK ones) the more txns are likely to go through them.
lol…i added u to my relay and router’s firewalls, and am looking at the liveview wondering why you’re not showing up…I was so focused on the firewalls, I forgot to add u to the topology file of the relay…brb
Yeah, I’ll stake some ADA…my ticker’s not showing up but at least we can make progress on other fronts
I’ve got you added, but don’t see you…I tried delegating, but I don’t know if it went through…do you see anything on your side?
It never asked me for an amount…either I didn’t delegate to you or the entire wallet amount was delegated…what does it show on your side?
you mean I don’t show in your peers list?
yeah…I don’t see you on peer list.
I also delegated to you, but it never asked me for an amount to delegate, so I don’t know if I delegated 0 to you or the entire amount in my wallet.
mmm, you may need to open an outbound rule so that it goes to my port. I didn’t have to change outboud rules, as you are on 3001 just like IOHK. I only changed inbound to allow you on my port.
Also, you asked if I see anything on my side: yes, I do, I saw you drop out at 11:39:40. I imagine this is when you restarted your relay with the new topology?
I found my mistake, my topology file was malformed when I edited and saved it
when you delegate, you delegate all your wallet. to avoid that you need more than one wallet. I think your delegation also increases automatically as you add more funds to your delegated wallet.
so now if you restart your node it should go, and I’ll see it on my end on the monitoring interface (peers go from 10 to 9). Saw it!
Yes, you show up now…silly mistake, my valency is 4 now…the liveview window was too small vertically and was ccutting off from showing the fourth relay.
I think you’ll have to wait one epoch for my delegated stake to show up, right?