Registered testnet pool not on, pooltool, or Daedalus testnet

I’ve had a mainnet pool for about 6 months.
Was also on the alonzo-purple testnet and set that up without a problem.

Trying to move one of those machines to the regular testnet, and cant seem to get it to be recognized.

stake pool ID: ae229e7c94676c6f26732b780fa43faf1c3a77509392702b68f1c1bc
Ticker : RADAR

I’ve verified that my metadata has the correct hash.

querying the stake-snapshot shows my pool as well:
“poolStakeGo”: 0,
“activeStakeGo”: 14018441593588217,
“poolStakeMark”: 1497422977,
“activeStakeMark”: 14157350133623227,
“poolStakeSet”: 0,
“activeStakeSet”: 14189267714160790

What is my next step in troubleshooting?
-Sully at RADAR

It’s there on Cardanoscan:

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Daedalus displays it as well:

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Well that makes me feel better. It even shows where I update the registration to change my pledge.
And I know my Meta Data hash is correct.

Any clue as to how to speed its inclusion into Daedalus testnet, AdaTools, or


Well damn.
I guess I just needed patience. It wasn’t up last night…
It took like 3 days - made me feel like it hadn’t gone through.
Thanks for checking for me!

-Sully at RADAR