It’s been about 10 epochs and we’ve never been selected as a BP. Just curious if we are extremely unlucky.
Our pool is d8cb476e181ba4fad925f5750352250652994768a4db91506261ed4c
We tested relay1.ibanx.io:3001 was accessible using a 3rd party tool. It is.
When we run cardano-cli query tip --mainnet, on relay1 and BP we get syncProgress: 100.00
Topology log says: { “resultcode”: “204”, “datetime”:“2021-09-14 16:11:01”, “clientIp”: “x.x.x.x”, “iptype”: 4, “msg”: “glad you’re staying with us” }
240k Pledge. 375.74k Live Stake
Further below is our grafana showing relay and BP are buddies and chat back and forth.
Peers in grafana has always had “No Data”.
Are we missing something? We are spinning up a 2nd and 3rd relay in hopes we increase our chance that someone friends us from their topology. That’s the only thing we can think of.
Thank you in advance for any input!