Has Cardano, ADA, move out of the crypto space

Happy day to you all,

Charles has mentioned, alluded to, that he no longer feels Cardano should be considers a crypto currency or asset. Or he states “Cardano has transcended cryptocurrency”. He seems to feel that the system is past the crypto wild wild west and the Cardano system has brought maturity to the crypto world. I may be putting words in his mouth so please correct me if I am wrong.

I agree with Charles but what are your thoughts?


I fully support your line of thinking.

IMO he meant that cryptos weren’t built, but actually happened, to be just another exploitation tool; whereas few were the ones who could really grasp it’s, at the time, full potential, and within those few, some did recognize the behemoth profits they could make. And that’s what’s been happening since the take-off of the crypto industry.

By stating that he’s past that paradigm means that Cardano isn’t just another “trading coin”.

Along with that I did really enjoy the “engineers/researchers” not “researchers passing by engineers” punch line. I did ROFL (a bit).

Brace yourselves Salvadorians… sh*tcoins ain’t gonna sneak their way into your homes. (which is a way of saying the shadow council won’t be happy about loosening the tight grip they have over the central/latin america. Too bad…)

Let the games begin!


EDIT: Imagine if that countrys won’t need to keep producing drugs to actually survive. As it is the main reason for the occurence. Well, let’s have a discussion with “the golden triangle” countries; and watch the fall of the entire “pharmaceutical” poison industry. Altough I might then start growing my own bio-poppys. Laudanum won’t make itself.


CH has a habit of running a few years ahead. It’s a great leadership trait, and his ability to read the market and technology developments is a big part of why many of us are on this journey.

Personally I don’t think we can consider Cardano has transcended crypto until it significantly decouples from Bitcoin price movements, and I think that we are some way off that yet. But I also have faith that time will come within the next 5 years. Compound annual growth rates (CAGRs) for Cardano point to a reasonable expectation of a billion users by 2026. That should be sufficient.



Question is that ASA Goguen rolls,* ADA, IMO, will detatch from BTC.

DeFi is the raison d’être of blockchain tech; which is what sustains BS-worthless-C, and got it from 30$ to 300$ in less than a year. (not to mention the ATH ofc)

Same for Ethereum and Solana; DeFi and CeFi are the game changers.

So,* when pundits start to circle pit the lesser trained mind saying that Cardano won’t do this or that, I think to myself from which burrow did that fiend crawl and where did it get the cojones to lie so blatantly based on false, force-fed information that it got; regurgitating it as “Your Honor” from “The Trial”.

That said, since* the last sunday the pop. growth went from ~690k to 699,554, as of now; ADApools site info.* Tomorrow I’m inclined to bet on the 701k+. Till the end of the year, 1m+.


EDIT 1: ,*
EDIT 2: ,*
EDIT 3: before “from” - now “since”*
EDIT 4: ADApools site info.*

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A bit too much of an idea yet to manifest my man.

While I’m a firm supporter of Cardano since Oct 2017, I am also active in multiple other ecosystems and communities.

Cardano has some great use cases lined up and some good tech inbound, but they are behind the curve on a lot of fronts.

Basic tooling for stake pool administration is about the worst in the top 50 cryptos.

There is no clean crisp UI for basic end users to conduct transactions or submit queries.

Everything in the ecosystem very much has a fragile and slightly cumbersome feeling to using it.

I encourage you to actually check out other ecosystems like Polkadot and even Cosmos now.


Yes, I will do that. Thank you.

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Basic tooling for stake pool administration is about the worst in the top 50 cryptos.
There is no clean crisp UI for basic end users to conduct transactions or submit queries.
Everything in the ecosystem very much has a fragile and slightly cumbersome feeling to using it.

Weird. SPO here with detailed knowledge of this ecosystem, do not recognise the way you characterise at all. Indeed I would argue that it has a very unix like feel (try reading The Art of Unix Programming by Eric Raymond if you don’t know what I mean by that), and is very robust. It isn’t easy though and it shouldn’t be for SPOs etc. To perform that role you need to be a sysadmin.


So you’re the guy that browses the web and posts on forums via curl?

Whatever drugs you’re on, drop that habit. If you really had the best interest of Cardano as an intention you’d give honest sometimes brutal and painful feedback.

Have you stood up a stake pool? Have you actually gone through the docs step by step arriving at a complete and functioning system? Tell me, did you use globalView and how long did it take for you to compile the binaries?

How many times did you screw up creating your stake pool cert? End to end how long did it take to setup?

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@cyberruss must have said something extremely accurate that you do not know and or understand, otherwise I don’t see why you are being offensive. Drop the salt, it kills!

It isn’t easy though and it shouldn’t be for SPOs etc.

100% agreed.

I do think it’s obvious he did all the nuances you are requesting to be proven, unless he isn’t an SPO as he’s stating?

Strange days have caught us…


P.S. Try a victan for the anxiety.

Well yeah, they have a hipster mentality and think that its supposed to be difficult to validate their opinion of self.

There is a big difference between zero forethought and product development in this scope of the Cardano ecosystem, and intentionally cumbersome.

But my overall point is further validated by these responses. Failure to critique the product just perpetuates the status quo and results in total lack of innovation. This is the last thing we want to happen here.

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Ok, now we can have a discussion.

Let’s focus on the validation mechanics of Cardano; I agree with you about the intention, and I fully support the complexity degree of it. And as @cyberruss well stated, “it shouldn’t” be easy.

I just don’t think that the complexity around building and maintaining a pool will bring lack of innovation, au contrarie, as you might well understand.

If we don’t push the status quo barrier of “the easy the better”, than yes, we will breed a generation with extreme lack of innovation, deep critical thinking, conceptualization, perseverance, and so on.

And yes, that’s the last thing we want to happen all around.


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I’ll end the conversation with this because you’re not adding any value by pointing to specifics or facts that support your completely biased and seemingly baseless opinion.

So as someone that has been running validators and staking pools in multiple ecosystems, I can say the things I am able to do with Cosmos or Parity substrate (Kusama for this example) as a result of the maturity of the product and APIs designed to administer staking and session management. For instance, term length based commission sharing with delegators to charities identified by them and with scaled rewards for longer term delegators / nominators.

This would take the average “sysadmin” as our quiet counterpart states it, however long never takes.

He is right, it’s literally a system 5 unix feel because it’s only command line and bash/zsh are only decent for OS commands. It’s not the 70s, bash skills are basic, new system standards for robust integrations like gRPC we’re invented for the same reason why no one but sysadmins think it’s cool that everything is barebones. It would be cool if it were extensible and robust. It’s not. Do research.

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I listen to everyone and I take what I need for my own benifit and I thank you both.

My focus is ADA, Cardano, and I believe in the dream and the product. I’ll continue researching and as I see more, I will know more. That includes expanding my scope of the crypto world.

Being a SysAdmin is not hard to do as long as you can understand the process. Correct?

My challenge is the Haskell language and if I start here, the gui interface, that is bound to be built, will be iceing on the cake, right?


Being a SysAdmin is not hard to do as long as you can understand the process. Correct?

Yes, but you will need to persevere. You will be running a stake pool where uptime is crucial to success. That means you need to understand how to manage a Unix O/S at the command line properly.

You will need to know how to secure the stake pool and private keys. These are complex topics and to pretend otherwise is silly when serious amounts of crypto can be at stake (pardon the pun).

Cardano has a goal to be the worlds financial operating system. You don’t get that by giving people a GUI. You get that by building and empowering an ecosystem that understands the base level tooling inside out and builds on it as needed.

Struggling to set up a pool? GuildOps have the scripts to help. It doesn’t need to be in the base layer and shouldn’t be in the base layer. Read TAOUP as mentioned earlier. That’s the design ethos. There’s a reason that Unix (and derived) operating systems took over the world and it’s not because of GUI’s or the easy learning curve.

It’s because they are designed properly and like a Swiss-army knife. Less is more almost always.


If you would like to see the stake pool it’s here. We’ve been running since day 1 of Shelley and hope to be around for a while longer…


Hoskinson stated that the HFC event will occur between the end of this month and, probably, the first half of september (I might be mistaken but I think he talked about 10th).

Meaning that from then on Cardano is open for business. Bear in mind that many big projects are in-line with the HFC event. Ofc there will be many development happening, hypothetically, forever on.

To say that the gap is being filled as of now, and will continue to do so in the next few months at least.

He did mention 100+ partners which they need to coordinate with; so some will be earlier than others, which will lead to a steady increase/support.
